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<br /> <br />RFP No. 57818 – Design Services for a Treatment Wetland Page 9 of 43 <br /> <br /> <br />V. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS <br /> <br />Proposals must include the following minimum information, according to the general outline of <br />this Section: <br /> <br />1. A statement or cover letter summarizing the key points of the consulting firms’ interests <br />and qualifications, pertinent areas of expertise, and the individual or individuals <br />responsible for the work to be performed. <br /> <br />2. A Statement of Qualifications (SOQs), including information regarding the key person or <br />persons involved, detailing their qualifications, areas of expertise, past experience <br />performing similar work, the firm’s office location(s), and staffing, including <br />assignments and sub-consultants (if any). <br /> <br />Minimum Qualifications <br /> <br />SOQs must demonstrate that the firm or team submitting the SOQ meets the following <br />Minimum Qualifications (MQs) to be eligible for consideration for this project. <br /> <br /> The Consultant must demonstrate that it has successfully completed at least three (3) <br />projects in the past ten (10) years related to treatment wetland creation, wetland <br />restoration, flood protection or green infrastructure. <br /> At least one member of the team must possess a minimum of five (5) years of <br />experience as a professional engineer (PE). <br /> <br />Other Qualifications <br /> <br />The following qualifications are not required in order for a Proposer to be determined <br />eligible for consideration, but Proposers will be scored on these qualifications under <br />Section VIII. Proposal Evaluation (Experience and qualifications of team members): <br /> <br /> Experience working with publicly owned treatment works, water agencies or local <br />governments on wetland restoration, enhancement or conservation. <br /> Experience in biological sciences as it relates to the successful design of nature- <br />based shoreline infrastructure or green infrastructure. <br /> Experience with sea level rise and climate change resiliency or adaptation planning <br />in the San Francisco Bay <br /> <br />3. A Work Plan describing the approach to the work involved, demonstrating their <br />methodology and their knowledge of conducting the tasks described in Section IV (Scope <br />of Services). <br /> <br />The proposed work plan should: <br /> <br />195