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<br /> <br />This helps reduce stress on the Bay and enables the City to cost-effectively implement nutrient <br />reductions in advance of regulations under consideration. It will also provide wildlife habitat and <br />an educational resource for schools and the community - with easy access from the Bay Trail <br />and Davis Street. <br /> <br />This project is part of an emerging trend in the region to use natural systems to enhance our <br />urban environment and treat our waste in a more sustainable manner. Learn more from the San <br />Francisco Estuary Partnership, a key partner on this project. <br /> <br />Visions for San Leandro’s Shoreline <br /> <br />San Leandro’s Water Pollution Control Plant, built in 1939, is one of the oldest East Bay <br />wastewater treatment facilities and 82% of the city’s wastewater infrastructure is exposed to <br />flooding from just 16 inches of sea level rise. Sensitive industrial sites and ecological resources <br />along the City’s shoreline also face increasing flood risk over the coming decades. This project <br />most closely focuses on the creation of a multi-benefit wastewater treatment wetland. Yet an <br />additional objective is to develop a community-based vision for how the City interacts with and <br />utilizes its bayfront spaces. <br />184