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July 11, 2019Rules Committee Minutes <br />ordinance. <br />2.B.19-418 Consider Adding to the City Council Goals an Element that Supports City <br />Employees and Volunteers <br />Jeff Kay, City Manager, presented the item and responded to questions from the <br />Committee members. <br />RULES COMMITTEE COMMENTS: <br />a. The Committee supports the approach of working together as a team and promoting <br />longevity, education, and retention. <br />b. The Committee requested for staff to further craft the wording of the goal and return <br />with a recommendation. <br />There being no further comments, by consensus of the Rules Committee, the item <br />may return to City Council with recommendation for approval. <br />2.C.19-188 City of San Leandro City Council Rules Committee Discussion of <br />Campaign Finance and Contribution Limits (Continued from April 11, <br />2019) <br />Leticia I. Miguel, City Clerk, and Alex Mog, Assistant City Attorney, presented the item <br />and responded to questions from the Committee members. <br />RULES COMMITTEE COMMENTS: <br />a. Councilmember Aguilar endorses campaign limits to be based per term and for the <br />City to differentiate campaign limits for a mayoral race versus a city councilmember <br />race. <br />b. Councilmember Aguilar would like to explore the study of the cost for a mayoral <br />race and a comparison of cost to surrounding cities. <br />c. Councilmember Ballew is not in support of setting campaign contribution limits and <br />does not see the need in the City of San Leandro. <br />d. Councilmember Ballew posed a question under Violation and Fines, what if they <br />were not proven guilty, does this mean they would still get that same penalty and could <br />they run for a different office? <br />e. If the city was to set campaign contribution limits, Councilmember Ballew is in <br />support of an anonymous complaint system. <br />f. Councilmember Ballew requested staff prudently review the crafting of the wording as <br />it pertains to the requirement of a person owning multiple business and how one can <br />make contributions from each business or if that would that be considered one <br />person. <br />g. Councilmember Ballew requested clarification under in-kind contribution, if someone <br />forgets to self-report a contribution that goes over a contribution limit, would this be <br />considered a violation? <br />h. Councilmember Ballew requested clarification to the division of campaign funds <br />when a candidate runs for a term in office for city council and succeeds then decides <br />to run for mayor. How are funds separated if candidate is not elected mayor, what <br />happens to the balance of funds raised? <br />The item will return for further discussion to Rules Committee. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS3. <br />None. <br />Page 2City of San Leandro <br />24