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File Number: 19-437 <br />with Caltrans will be required. <br />The original street lighting consisted of high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps mounted on <br />twenty-five foot tall poles. In 2017, as part of the City’s Energy Efficiency efforts to reach its <br />Climate Action Plan goals, the luminaire heads were upgraded to energy efficient LED lamps. <br />The existing lighting sufficiently illuminates the roadway; however, this project will provide <br />illumination of both the roadway and sidewalk areas utilizing decorative dual level lighting <br />standards, similar to those in use along San Leandro Boulevard adjacent to the BART station. It is <br />anticipated that this project will improve safety and support economic development in the area. <br />Analysis <br />Staff requested proposals for design services for the subject project and received two qualified <br />proposals. The request included a preference for local businesses; however, none of the two <br />proposers are located within San Leandro. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. was selected as the <br />most qualified firm to provide services based on technical ability presented and a portfolio of high <br />quality similar work including lighting study and design projects in Livermore, Tracy and Milpitas. <br />The Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. design team has extensive lighting design experience and <br />has completed services for numerous local municipalities. The firm is the design Consultant for <br />the City’s HAWK signal project at Davis/Carpentier and is also a sub-consultant on the BRT <br />project. The design phase is anticipated to be completed in approximately twelve months. <br />From time to time changes to the scope of contracts are necessary to respond to new information <br />and/or to include additional items of work necessary for a complete project. In order to resolve <br />these issues in a timely fashion and avoid delaying work, staff requests authorization to issue <br />individual contract amendments to the consultant up to 5% or $3,302 each and cumulative <br />contract amendments up to 15%, or $9,907 of the original contract amount. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />Applicable General Plan Goals and Policies <br />·Transportation Goal T-2: Design and operate streets to be safe, attractive, and <br />accessible for all transportation users whether they are pedestrians, bicyclists, transit <br />riders or motorists, regardless of age or ability. <br />·Transportation Action T-2.2.A: East 14th Street Streetscape Improvements Pursue <br />public improvements to East 14th Street which make the street more transit- and <br />pedestrian-friendly. <br />·Transportation Policy T-3.6: Pedestrian Environment: Improve the walkability of all <br />streets in San Leandro through the planning, implementing, and maintaining of pedestrian <br />supportive infrastructure. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/2/2019 <br />59