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ATTACHMENT DD: Layout Plan: Second Floor L3.2 <br />ATTACHMENT EE: Details: First Floor L4.1 <br />ATTACHMENT FF: Details: Second Floor L4.2 <br />ATTACHMENT GG: Site Furniture L4.3 <br />ATTACHMENT HH: Irrigation Notes and Legend L5.0 <br />ATTACHMENT II:.Hydrozone Plan L5.1 <br />ATTACHMENT JJ: Planting Notes L6.0 <br />ATTACHMENT KK: Planting Plan: First Floor L6.1 <br />ATTACHMENT LL: Planting Plan: Second Floor L6.2 <br />ATTACHMENT MM: Planting Palette L6.3 <br />ATTACHMENT NN: Planting Palette L6.4 <br />ATTACHMENT 00: Planting Details L6.5 <br />ATTACHMENT PP: Trash Room Layout T0.1 <br />ATTACHMENT QQ: Trash Container Staging T0.2 <br />ATTACHMENT RR: Trash Chute Details T2.0 <br />B. The developer shall be responsible for assuring that any successor in interest <br />who assumes responsibility for this zoning approval is informed of its terms <br />and conditions. <br />C. The Site Plan Review and Parking Exception approval shall lapse after one <br />(1) year following the Board of Zoning Adjustments approval of the <br />application, unless a grading permit or building permit has been issued, <br />coupled with diligent progress evidencing good faith intention to commence <br />the intended use; or use is established; or an occupancy permit has been <br />issued; or the approval is renewed, as provided in Zoning Code Section 5- <br />2218 and Section 5-2516. Pursuant to Zoning Code Section 5-2218.A and <br />Section 5-2516.13, upon written request, a renewal may be considered by the <br />Zoning Enforcement Official if no substantive change has occurred in <br />conditions or circumstances pertinent to Site Plan Review and Parking <br />Exception or their approvals. Application for a renewal shall be made in <br />writing to the Zoning Enforcement Official prior to expiration of Site Plan <br />Review and Parking Exception approvals. <br />D. Modifications to the approved Conditions of Approval and Plan Exhibits, <br />including changes to paint colors and building materials, shall require <br />resubmittal of a revised Site Plan Review application in accord with Zoning <br />Code Section 2-2516.C, "Changed Plans." The Zoning Enforcement Official <br />shall review the application to determine if the proposed substitutions or <br />alterations necessitate further consideration by the Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments. The Zoning Enforcement Official may approve changes to <br />approved plans or Conditions of Approval without a public hearing upon <br />determining that the changes in conditions are minor and are consistent with <br />the intent of the original approval. <br />II. PERMITTED USE <br />Conditions of Approval June 6, 2019 <br />PLN18-0045 Page 5 of 18 <br />