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File Number: 19-566 <br />Based on the criteria outlined in the Administrative Code, the discussions at the Rules <br />Committee, the Facilities and Transportation Committee, and the Library-Historical Commission, <br />staff recommends the City Council rename Grover Cleveland Park to Tony B. Santos Park, and <br />make preparations for such action as soon as practical thereafter. Given the overwhelming <br />response from the Committees and Commission and the wishes of the family, staff believes this <br />is the appropriate way to honor Mayor Santos posthumously. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />There are no significant fiscal impacts associated with the proposed action. Costs associated <br />with naming a new or existing facility will not be significant and could most likely be addressed <br />through existing appropriations. There are no costs associated with bestowing the title <br />“Emeritus.” <br />Attachments to Staff Report <br />1. Chapter 10 of the San Leandro Administrative Code <br />2. List of San Leandro Structures Named After Notable People <br />3. Photos of Sites and Sample Plaques <br />4. Minutes - Rules Committee <br />5. Minutes - Facilities and Transportation Committee <br />6. Minutes - Library-Historical Commission <br />PREPARED BY: Elizabeth D. Warmerdam, Assistant City Manager, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/16/2019 <br />384