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File Number: 19-544 <br />with MTC’s regional Plan Bay Area 2040. <br /> <br />On February 20, 2018, the City Council adopted the Specific Plan. Staff’s presentation tonight will <br />provide a brief recap of the Plan’s content: <br />·Elements and organization; <br />·Desired outcomes; <br />·Planning framework; and <br />·Implementation actions. <br />Analysis <br />Zoning Map and Zoning Text Amendments, as recommended under the Specific Plan, are now <br />necessary to create a new Bay Fair TOD Zoning District to establish development standards for <br />the Plan Area especially given recent developer interest in the Plan area. The City Council <br />authorized entering into a contract with Aaron Welch Planning on July 15, 2019 and work on the <br />Zoning Code update is now underway. <br />Throughout the multi-year Specific Plan development process, the City implemented a broad <br />public outreach effort, which included: <br />·A 21-member Community Advisory Committee (CAC); <br />·A 10-member Technical Advisory Committee (TAC); <br />·Presentations with numerous City Boards, Commissions, Committees, and interest <br />groups; <br />·A Bay Fair TOD Plan webpage on the City’s website; <br />·Information pop-up stations in the Bay Fair BART Station and Bayfair Center; <br />·Two widely publicized community workshops; <br />·Email distribution list of over 450 individuals composed of residents, businesses, property <br />owners, community organizations, and public agencies; and <br />·Press releases, weekly updates to City Council, and online postings on the City blog, SL <br />Next, and Nextdoor. <br /> <br />The Bay Fair Zoning Code amendments will be a critical next step in implementing the Specific <br />Plan. Staff’s presentation will provide an overview of the Zoning Code amendment process, which <br />will include the following public engagement components: <br />·Outreach to key stakeholders; <br />·Two community meetings - one on November 20 at the Senior Center and one on a date <br />to be determined in early 2020 once the draft amendments are prepared for public review; <br />·Work session at the Planning Commission; <br />·Planning Commission Public Hearing; and <br />·City Council Public Hearing to introduce and adopt the Zoning Code amendments. <br />Staff’s presentation will also include an overview of the approach to the Zoning Code <br />amendments for the City Council’s review. The Specific Plan was designed to provide flexibility to <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/16/2019 <br />11