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5A Public Hearings 2019 1021
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Packet 2019 1021
5A Public Hearings 2019 1021
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10/16/2019 8:48:58 AM
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10/16/2019 8:45:49 AM
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File Number: 19-538 <br />tentative map is to show what currently exists and what is proposed on and adjacent to the <br />property to be subdivided. <br />A standard recommended condition of approval requires the City and City Attorney’s Office to <br />review the developer’s Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R’s) prior to approval of the <br />Final Map. Another standard recommended condition contains language specifying the future <br />property owners’ responsibilities as a homeowner’s association in maintaining the paved <br />driveway and guest parking areas, landscaped and common areas, use of the outdoor amenities, <br />and property owner responsibilities to keep their patios clutter-free and prohibit outdoor storage. <br />Site Plan Review <br />Per ZC §5-2502.A, Site Plan Approval is required for any multi-family residential development <br />that requires a Planned Development approval, to ensure the proposal’s comprehensiveness in <br />providing amenities and design that enhance the quality of residents’ living and the appearance <br />of the project. <br />The proposed project meets the amenities and design criteria per Zoning Code §2-698 by <br />providing appropriate common areas, tenant activity areas with outdoor furniture, use of concrete <br />pavers in the driveway and at least three colors and materials, and façade modulation. The <br />proposed three-story townhome development would be harmonious and compatible within the <br />existing mixed-use commercial and residential context of the immediate area. The plan complies <br />with the development standards for lot area, height, coverage, floor area ratio, landscaping, and <br />density of the base Zoning districts. The buildings have adequate articulation and variation in the <br />use of materials and colors, as well as window placement and changes in façade plane, to ensure <br />that all elevations provide visual interest. The landscaping in the setbacks, as well as in the highly <br />visible corner of the project site, complement the architectural design and provide an appropriate <br />balance of trees, shrubs, and ground cover. <br />Traffic <br />The proposed project was found to generate fewer vehicle trips than the existing social services <br />use, and less traffic than a typically permitted land use in the CC zoning district. Townhome <br />residential generates fewer vehicle trips and requires less parking than uses such as office, <br />restaurants, and retail. The 10th Edition of the ITE Trip General Manual (2017) does not include a <br />specific land use category for social service uses, so the trip generation rates for Recreational <br />Community Center are applied in this case. Based on the trip generation for residential <br />townhomes, the project is estimated to generate 143 fewer daily trips than a recreational <br />community center use: 116 versus 259 daily trips. The PM peak hour is estimated to produce 10 <br />trips. <br />Vehicle movements and the proposed private driveway were analyzed by the City’s Engineering <br />and Transportation Department and Alameda County Fire Department and found to be <br />adequately designed. <br />Inclusionary Housing <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/16/2019 <br />18
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