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File Number: 19-538 <br />The proposed project meets the San Leandro Zoning Code requirement for Inclusionary Housing <br />by designating three of the units (or 15% of the 20 total units) to be marketed and made available <br />as affordable. The applicant proposes to designate two units (Building A Lot 7 and Building C Lot <br />17) as for-sale to Moderate Income Households, and one unit (Building D Lot 20) as for-sale to <br />Low Income Households. None of the units are clustered in any one building. <br />The developer is conditioned to execute an instrument or agreement restricting the sale of the <br />owner-occupied inclusionary units in accordance with ZC §6-3022 Owner-Occupied Units (see <br />attached Inclusionary Housing Plan). <br />APPLICABLE GENERAL PLAN POLICIES <br />The General Plan designates this site within the Corridor Mixed Use land designation, which <br />permits “a mix of commercial and residential uses oriented in a linear development pattern.” <br />Residential uses are permitted and sufficiently dense development is encouraged to support <br />pedestrian and bicycle use, as well as the transit-served arterial. <br />The following General Plan policies are applicable to the proposed project: <br />Policy LU-2.7 Location of Multi-Family Development. Concentrate new multi-family <br />development in the areas near the BART Stations and along major transit corridors…. <br />Ensure that such development enhances rather than detracts from the character of <br />surrounding neighborhoods. <br />Policy LU-2.15 Usable Open Space. Require useable open spaces for community use in <br />large new residential developments. <br />Policy LU-3.1 Mix of Unit Types. Encourage a mix of residential development types in the <br />city, including single family homes on a variety of lot sizes, as well as townhomes, row <br />houses, live-work units, planned unit development, garden apartments, and medium to <br />high density multi-family housing. <br />Policy LU-3.4 Promotion of Infill. Encourage infill development on vacant or underutilized <br />sites within residential and commercial areas. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW <br />A Consistency Memorandum was prepared in accordance with CEQA Guidelines, California <br />Code of Regulations Section 15183, with the finding that the Proposed Project is consistent with <br />a Community Plan or Zoning, that there are no project-specific significant effects which are <br />peculiar to the project or its site, and therefore no additional environmental review is required. The <br />existing building proposed for demolition with the project was evaluated and cleared in <br />conjunction with the CEQA Consistency Memorandum. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND ACTIONS <br />The Planning Commission considered the proposed project at a regular public hearing held on <br />Page 7 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/16/2019 <br />19