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File Number: 19-528 <br />conditions for its development. Based on public input, negotiations, staff analysis, Bay <br />Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) review, and CEQA environmental analysis <br />to date, the scope of the project has evolved and changed to reflect the priorities of the <br />community. <br />Over the past years, the many steps taken to further the project include: <br />·Numerous public meetings with the Shoreline Development Citizens Advisory Committee <br />(CAC) and other groups; <br />·Certification of the Shoreline Development Project Environmental Impact Report; <br />·General Plan Map Amendment and Rezoning for future development of the Shoreline <br />Development Project; <br />·Review by the San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission; <br />·Updates to project elements and details based upon various factors, including feasibility and <br />market analysis, environmental review, and BCDC review; <br />·Successful conclusion of lawsuit filed by the Coalition for the San Leandro Shoreline; <br />·Negotiation of term sheets for Development Agreement and associated agreements; <br />·Planning and funding of public improvements associated with the project, including <br />construction of a new Mulford-Marina Branch Library and harbor decommissioning; <br />·Appraisal to obtain the market value of a portion of the executive (9-hole) golf course land for <br />proposed sale for the development of housing; <br />·Draft Development Agreement; <br />·Draft Purchase and Sale Agreement; and <br />·Draft Lease Document, which will be utilized for the hotel, multifamily, restaurant, and market <br />elements. <br />In the coming months, staff will continue to work with Cal-Coast to finalize project details and <br />agreement terms so that the following items may be brought forward for public review: <br />·Updated Zoning Applications, including General Plan and Zoning Map Amendments; <br />·Tentative Map creating new parcels for the development; <br />·Addendum (or other necessary changes) to Environment Impact Report to reflect current <br />project scope; <br />·Final Development Agreement and associated documents, including Public Improvement <br />Agreement, Scope of Development, Schedule of Performance, and Impact Fees; <br />·Final Purchase and Sale Agreement for a portion of the Golf Course Property; and <br />·Final Lease Agreements for the hotel, multifamily, and restaurant/banquet elements. <br />If these agreements are approved, the project will then go through a second stage of Zoning <br />approvals and site plan review for specific development details for each project element (hotel, <br />multifamily, etc). The proposed park and public elements will also be required to go through <br />review and approval by BCDC. Following all agency approvals, the project will then go through <br />Building and other permit review processes, with construction beginning following the issuance of <br />applicable permits. <br />Analysis <br />Given the size and complexity of the project, the significant investment it represents, and the <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/16/2019 <br />289