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File Number: 19-568 <br />facility. Phase 1 was the demolition contract that removed the existing buildings and pool and <br />cleared the land for the new facility. The facility will be comprised of a standard 75’ length by 62’ <br />width, 4,650 square foot pool for lap swimming. The pool will be oriented with a 2’-6” deep <br />shallow end closest to the facility entry for safety and allow for swim lessons. The pool will have six <br />lanes for lap swimming, four of which will have 6’-6” deep water, which is sufficiently deep to allow <br />the use of diving blocks. The project also includes Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) <br />compliant public changing rooms and restrooms; a staff area with a first aid station and training <br />space and a pump and equipment building. The new facility will be completely fenced off from the <br />school property. All access to the facility will be from Gill Lane, a public alley. <br />On May 6, 2019, the City Council approved a Master Agreement between SLUSD and the City <br />for recreational use and maintenance on several school sites that covers Farrelly Pool, Cherry <br />Grove Park, Floresta Park, and Burrell Field-Pacific Sports Complex. <br />The project was previously bid on June 25, 2019. One responsive bid was received in the <br />amount of $6,620,000. It was rejected. Subsequently, a quote for the work was obtained through <br />an umbrella contract that offers predetermined prices for construction work. The prices for <br />components of construction are competitively bid without a specific project identified, and then <br />the individual component prices are combined to assemble a quote for the entire project. This <br />process is known as job order contracting (JOC) and complies with the City’s purchasing <br />guidelines. The JOC process can reduce the time it takes to bid and award projects. <br />Unfortunately, the JOC quote was rejected because the $7,761,559 quote was considerably <br />higher than the engineers estimate. <br />Analysis <br />A total of four base bids without deductive alternates were received on October 15, 2019. Three <br />of the bids were responsive and between $6,222,450 and $7,005,000. The pre-bid engineer’s <br />estimate was $4,725,000. One bid, from USA Management, LLC was deemed non-responsive <br />because the bidder does not have a Class B State of California Contractors License. Staff <br />recommends award to the lowest responsive bidder, Tricon Construction, Inc. for the total base <br />bid amount of $6,222,450. Staff recommends that the two deductive alternates, which would <br />remove the cupola and change roof material from metal to composition shingle be rejected as the <br />bid amount, $40,000 credit, does not warrant eliminating the architectural value of these items <br />from the project. <br />The City applied the Local Business Preference Policy to this competitive bid. Staff presented <br />the requirements of the Local Business Preference Policy at the mandatory pre-bid meetings, <br />responded to bidder questions, and provided contact information for free technical assistance. <br />Bidders were also provided with a list of San Leandro contractors performing trades applicable <br />to the project’s construction that currently hold City business licenses. None of the bidders have <br />an office in San Leandro that would qualify them as a local business. Also, none of the bidders <br />met the Local Business Participation Goal by subcontracting with San Leandro businesses for <br />25% of the contract value. The low bidder, Tricon Construction, Inc. certified as part of its bid that <br />it did complete good faith efforts to include local businesses in the project. <br />This project is also subject to the provisions of the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA). <br />Each bidder was advised of the agreement in writing and verbally at the mandatory pre-bid <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/30/2019 <br />203