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10A Action 2019 1104
City Clerk
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Packet 2019 1104
10A Action 2019 1104
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10/29/2019 11:05:54 PM
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10/29/2019 11:05:38 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2019-184
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File Number: 19-568 <br />meetings. Each contractor was given contact information for the Bay Area Business Roundtable, <br />an organization hired by the City to provide free technical assistance to comply with the CWA. All <br />of the responsive bidders signed the Community Workforce Agreement commitment form. <br />This contract represents the current understanding of the work required. From time to time <br />changes to the scope of contracts are necessary to respond to new information or to include <br />additional items of work necessary for a complete product. In order to resolve these issues in a <br />timely fashion and avoid delaying work, staff requests authorization to issue individual change <br />orders to the contractor up to 5% or $311,123 each and cumulative change orders up to 15%, or <br />$933,368 of the original contract. <br />The project scope increased significantly during the design of this project. The original funding <br />budgeted for a new pool and associated equipment was supplemented with funding as part of the <br />current budget but additional funding is necessary due to the expanded scope that includes an <br />entirely new facility, and due to a bid that is 30% higher than the engineer’s estimate. <br />Staff recommends that $3,950,000 in funding be transferred to the Farrelly Pool Replacement <br />Project as follows: <br />$2,455,000 from the Boat Harbor Decommissioning project - General Fund: <br />The Boat Harbor Decommissioning project will be delayed until the adjacent Shoreline <br />Development Project is closer to construction. The Boat Harbor Decommissioning project has a <br />current budget of $7,000,000 and the reduction in funding can be replaced with either CIP funds <br />in a future budget or proceeds from the sale of property to the Shoreline Development Project. <br />$495,000 from Park Development Fees fund balance: <br />This will delay work on other park projects such as Chabot Park Playground and Amphitheater <br />Improvements and construction of a Downtown Park. These funds are available for projects that <br />expand recreation opportunities within the City. <br />$475,000 from the City Park Major Maintenance project - General Fund: <br />The Park Maintenance project has a budget of $475,000 for fiscal year 2019-20 that is intended <br />for repairs to bathrooms, play equipment, and wells. There is a shortage of designers and <br />contractors in the Bay Area for such projects, and the City has not been able to fully expend the <br />previous budget for park maintenance. The unspent portions of past appropriations have been <br />carried forward to this fiscal year and work on the project continues. This project will receive <br />additional funding in Fiscal Year 2020-21 as part of the biennial budget. <br />$170,000 from the Main Library AV Equipment project - General Fund: <br />This project scope was expanded to include public meeting video broadcast capability that can <br />be funded from the Public Education and Government (PEG) fund by an amount equivalent to the <br />transferred amount. <br />$170,000 from the Marina Community Center AV Equipment project - General Fund: <br />This project was expanded to include meeting video broadcast capability that can be funded from <br />the PEG fund by an amount equivalent to the transferred amount. <br />$150,000 from the South Offices Meeting Room project - General Fund: <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/30/2019 <br />204
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