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File Number: 19-560 <br />surface parking spaces for guests are tucked in the center of the site, away from direct <br />view along the right-of-way. <br />·Open Spaces. The proposal contains an approximately 1,140 square-foot front yard within <br />the front 20-foot setback and an approximately 3,038 square-foot rear yard that <br />accommodates a community open space. The rear space contains furnishings for passive <br />and active enjoyment, including bench seating, a picnic table, raised planters, and a <br />balance beam. <br />The project has a total impervious area of less than 10,000 square feet and is <br />designed-and conditioned-to reduce storm water pollution by meeting the self-retaining <br />volume of runoff specified in Provision C.3.d of the Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit <br />Clean Water Program. The design achieves C.3 requirements in part through two on-site <br />bio-retention areas: A ±100 square-foot retention area in the front yard and a ±140 <br />square-foot retention area in the rear yard, each buffered by flowering shrubs and covered <br />with loose gravel. <br />·Trees and Planting. The five existing trees on the property will be removed and three <br />Chinese pistache trees are proposed, with one in the front yard and two located on <br />opposite corners in the rear open space. Italian cypress trees are proposed to line the <br />western edge of the property, transitioning to lower evergreen shrubs in the rear adjacent <br />to Building B. <br />STAFF ANALYSIS <br />Zoning Amendment <br />The General Plan Land Use Map designates the subject property for Medium-High Density <br />Residential (RMH) use. The current zoning is RS Residential Single-Family and is not compatible <br />with the General Plan land use category. In order to align the Zoning District with the General Plan <br />land use designation, the development proposes to rezone the property from RS Residential <br />Single-Family to RM-3000(PD) Residential Multi-Family, Planned Development Overlay District. <br />The base district RM-3000 is proposed because the multi-family residential development is <br />located on a 73-foot wide lot, where the minimum lot width in the RM-3000 base district is 60 feet. <br />Surrounding developments are zoned RM-2500 and RM-1800, which require minimum lot widths <br />of 75 feet and 100 feet respectively, and permit higher densities than proposed for this project. <br />Planned Development <br />The development proposes to rezone the project site from RS Residential Single-Family to <br />RM-3000(PD) Residential Multi-Family, Planned Development Overlay District. A Planned <br />Development is a discretionary review process that enables consideration of new development <br />that is otherwise compatible with the existing neighborhood and complies with the General Plan, <br />but may not meet all of the underlying zoning standards. <br />The Planned Development proposal requests a single exception to the following minimum <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/30/2019 <br />13