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File Number: 19-560 <br />Per the Noise Study completed in July 2018 by Papadimos Group, Unit 1 of Building A is <br />conditioned to be developed with acoustically-rated window assemblies to control noise from <br />traffic on Lewelling Boulevard. In addition, all units in Building A are conditioned to include a <br />controlled means of fresh air intake other than open sash. <br />A portion of Building A is within the FEMA Flood Zone AO, with an 1% annual chance of flooding, <br />and conditioned to conform to the requirements for new construction within FEMA flood Zone AO, <br />including raising the first-floor level by a minimum of one foot (Exhibit H.1). <br />GENERAL PLAN CONFORMANCE <br />The General Plan Land Use Map designates the subject property for Medium-High Density <br />Residential (RMH) use. The current zoning is RS Residential Single-Family, which is not <br />compatible with the General Plan land use category. The proposed zoning of RM-3000(PD) <br />Residential Multi-Family District with a Planned Development Overlay (PD) is conditionally <br />compatible with the RMH land use category (General Plan Page 3-33), which allows for <br />multi-family residential development, such as garden apartments and townhomes. The proposed <br />project has a density of 12.5 units per acre, which is below the maximum allowable net density of <br />29 units per acre in the land use category. <br />The rezone of the project site from RS to RM-3000(PD) District will align the zoning district with <br />the General Plan. In addition, the rezoning of the project site will subject any proposal of the <br />property to the City’s discretionary review process, ensuring that the new development will be <br />compatible with the vicinity. This carries out the following General Plan policies: <br />LU-2.8 Alterations, Additions, and Infill. Ensure that alterations, additions, and infill <br />development are compatible with existing homes and maintain aesthetically pleasing <br />neighborhoods. <br />LU-2.12 Off-Street Parking. Ensure that a significant number of off-street parking spaces <br />are provided in new residential development to minimize parking “overflow” into <br />neighborhoods. The visual prominence of parking should be minimized in new <br />development areas. <br />LU-3.1 Mix of Unit Types. Encourage a mix of residential development types in the city, <br />including single-family homes on a variety of lot sizes, as well as townhomes, row houses, <br />live-work units, planned unit development, garden apartments, and medium to high density <br />multi-family housing. <br />LU-3.4 Promotion of Infill. Encourage infill development on vacant or underutilized sites <br />within residential and commercial areas. <br />Housing Element Action 53.03-C Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Maintain a local <br />affordable housing trust fund that is capitalized with in-lieu fees from the inclusionary <br />housing program and condo conversion fees. The fund should be used to leverage <br />affordable housing development in San Leandro. <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/30/2019 <br />15