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8E Consent 2019 1104
City Clerk
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Packet 2019 1104
8E Consent 2019 1104
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10/29/2019 11:08:53 PM
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10/29/2019 11:08:51 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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MAYOR PAULINE RUSSO CUTTER NOVEMBER 2019 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />Management District, as Chair for the East Bay Dischargers Authority and on the Alameda County Transportation <br />Commission, where I will be serving as Chair for the next two years. Additionally, I serve as the Chair of the US <br />Conference of Mayors Women’s Leadership Alliance and as a member of the US Conference of Mayors Advisory <br />Board. These positions are critical to the City because my presence there allows me to bring back new ideas and <br />grant opportunities for San Leandro. The Alameda County Transportation Commission, for instance, has a <br />budget of $1 billion annually and through my future position as Chair of the Commission, San Leandro will have <br />a greater influence on how it is spent. <br /> <br />I attend national and state conferences including the US Conference of Mayors, League of California Cities, and <br />Smart City conferences among others to gather best practices and learn of innovative local programs such as <br />partnerships with our schools, programs for the homeless, smart city programs, and using art as an economic <br />development engine. I was invited to participate in the US Conference of Mayors Institute on City Design where <br />I presented a case study on the City’s efforts to improve our industrial area by using pop‐up gathering spaces. <br />I’ve also recently been invited to participate in the US Mayors’ Smart City challenge where I will present a city <br />challenge regarding our smart city efforts. I am also called upon to be a speaker at many conferences to discuss <br />various City accomplishments including the City’s progress in Smart City matters. <br /> <br />Closer to home, I hold regular office hours at City Hall and attend as many city‐sponsored and community events <br />as my schedule allows. I meet regularly with residents, community members, and business owners to discuss <br />ideas and issues as they arise, often joining the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce on their “meet and greets” <br />where I can learn more about businesses’ needs from the City. I continue to foster relationships with neighboring <br />cities and municipalities to ensure cooperation on important projects, and my leadership on many of these <br />boards and commissions demonstrates the acclaim and respect I have garnered for San Leandro. <br /> <br />In my remaining years as Mayor, I plan to continue working just as hard as I have been to help San Leandro be a <br />great place to live, work, play, and raise a family. This will include continuing to attend meetings, dedicating my <br />time to implementing sustainable and climate change initiatives, representing San Leandro on regional boards, <br />researching sustainable funding streams, originating new projects and initiatives, and continuing to attract <br />entertainment and new restaurant venues to our city – all which align with the City Council’s stated goals. I also <br />look forward to working with my fellow Councilmembers, continuing to support and promote them and the work <br />they are doing in their districts and throughout the community, as well as working on ongoing and exciting new <br />opportunities and policy developments as they arrive. <br /> <br />I strongly believe that my contributions to the City of San Leandro fulfill the criteria to increase my salary to <br />reflect my more than full‐time dedication as Mayor since elected in 2014. Per the Councilmembers’ handbook <br />and the Charter for the City of San Leandro, I respectfully request that the Council consider a salary increase of <br />$1,260 per month as adopted in the Councilmembers’ handbook, Appendix A. I have demonstrated specific and <br />measurable accomplishments during my years in office and have worked on special projects which align directly <br />with the City Council’s goals and will continue to represent the City full time. <br /> <br />Thank you for your consideration. <br /> <br /> <br />Kind regards, <br /> <br />Mayor Pauline Russo Cutter <br />186
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