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File Number: 19-604 <br />While the Rules Committee appreciated the intent behind the suggestion to receive annual <br />reports, they instead recommended another approach. They questioned if the work would most <br />likely fall on staff to assemble the report and that this time could be used for more pressing <br />operational needs. Instead, they suggested the City host an annual recognition dinner in February <br />that would acknowledge the work of both outgoing and incoming Board Members and <br />Commissioners. Each body could do a short report at that time, if so desired. The Committee <br />also acknowledged that if a Council Member has a particular interest in the work of a Board or <br />Commission, they could request a report to the Council at a later date or watch/listen to the <br />meetings online. <br />The Committee also discussed the possibility of moving the Consent Calendar earlier on the <br />Council agenda so that staff did not have to wait for their items to be heard. The Committee <br />reviewed the items that come before the Consent Calendar, namely Public Comment, <br />Presentations, and Public Hearings. They felt these items are typically of greater interest to the <br />public than the Consent Calendar and out of respect for the public’s time, those items should be <br />heard first. In addition, these three items typically have guest presenters or speakers and as a <br />courtesy to those individuals, it would be better to keep those items first. The Committee did <br />acknowledge that the Council still has the ability, at any time, to move the Consent Calendar up, if <br />there are relatively few agenda items or guests. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />See Above <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />An annual dinner to recognize Board Members and Commissioners would cost approximately <br />$500 to $1,000 depending on the number of attendees and staffing required. This cost could be <br />absorbed in the City Manager’s operating budget. <br />PREPARED BY: Leticia Miguel, City Clerk, City Manager’s Office <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/13/2019 <br />190