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October 10, 2019Rules Committee Minutes <br />including a yearly report from the Boards and Commissions to the City <br />Council <br />RULES COMMITTEE COMMENTS: <br />a. The Committee questioned whether the work would most likely fall on staff to <br />assemble the annual report. <br />b. The Committee recommends the City host an annual recognition dinner for Board <br />Members and Commissioners. <br />c. The Committee discussed acknowledging the work of both outgoing and incoming <br />Board Members and Commissioners. <br />d. The Committee recommends each body do a short report at that time of reception. <br />e. Should a Councilmember have a particular interest in the work of a Board or <br />Commission, he/she may request a report to the Council at a later date under Item 14 <br />Council Request to Schedule Agenda Items. <br />f. Councilmembers also have the option of viewing/listening to meetings online <br />There being no further comments, by consensus, the Rules Committee recommends <br />this matter be reported out to Council for further discussion. <br />2.C.19-550 City of San Leandro City Council Rules Committee discussion of the <br />re-ordering of items on the City Council agenda <br />RULES COMMITTEE COMMENTS: <br />a. The Committee identified the items that are agendized before the Consent <br />Calendar, namely Public Comment, Presentations, and Public Hearings, and <br />questioned if they are usually of greater interest to the public than the Consent <br />Calendar. <br />b. The Committee agreed that out of respect for the public’s time, Public Comment, <br />Presentations, and Public Hearings items should be heard first. <br />c. The Committee recognizes that the Council still has the ability to move the consent <br />calendar up, if there are relatively few agenda items or guests. <br />There being no further comments, by consensus, the Rules Committee recommends <br />this matter be reported out to Council for further discussion. <br />2.D.19-188 City of San Leandro City Council Rules Committee Discussion of <br />Campaign Finance and Contribution Limits (Continued from April 11, <br />2019 and July 11, 2019) <br />RULES COMMITTEE COMMENT: <br />The Committee agreed this item be recommended to City Council for a Council <br />discussion update and Council direction regarding a campaign contribution limits <br />ordinance. <br />There being no further comments, by consensus, the Rules Committee recommends <br />this matter be forwarded to City Council for discussion and direction. <br />PUBLIC COMMENTS3. <br />None. <br />Page 2City of San Leandro <br />43