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November 18, 2019City Council Minutes <br />Enactment No: Reso 2019-189 <br />8.I.19-578 Staff Report for a Resolution of the City of San Leandro City Council to <br />Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Six-Month Extension to the <br />Current Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with East Bay Dischargers <br />Authority, with Term Ending June 30, 2020, and to Execute an Amended <br />and Restated Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement with East Bay <br />Dischargers Authority, with Term Ending June 30, 2040 <br />Received and Filed on the Consent Calendar. <br />19-579 RESOLUTION of the City of San Leandro City Council to Authorize the <br />City Manager to Execute Amendment Four to the East Bay Dischargers <br />Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement to Extend the Term of the <br />Agreement to June 30, 2020 <br />Adopted on the Consent Calendar. <br />Enactment No: Reso 2019-190 <br />19-580 RESOLUTION of the City of San Leandro City Council to Authorize the <br />City Manager to Execute Amendment Five to the East Bay Dischargers <br />Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement to Restate the Agreement <br />and Extend the Term to June 30, 2040 <br />Adopted on the Consent Calendar. <br />Enactment No: Reso 2019-191 <br />8.J.19-596 Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to <br />Approve Annual Renewals for Fiscal Years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 <br />with SoftChoice Corporation, Inc. for the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement <br />for the Combined Amount of $366,478.46 (Approves One Annual <br />Renewal of $183,239.23 in Fiscal Year 2019-2020 and One Annual <br />Renewal of $183,239.23 plus up to a 10% increase in Fiscal Year <br />2020-2021). <br />Received and Filed on the Consent Calendar. <br />19-597 RESOLUTION of the City of San Leandro City Council to Approve Annual <br />Renewals for Fiscal Years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 with SoftChoice <br />Corporation for the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement for the Combined <br />Amount of $366,478.46 (Approves One Annual Renewal of $183,239.23 <br />in Fiscal Year 2019-2020 and One Annual Renewal of $183,239.23 plus <br />up to a 10% increase in Fiscal Year 2020-2021). <br />Adopted on the Consent Calendar. <br />Enactment No: Reso 2019-192 <br />8.K.19-562 ORDINANCE of the City of San Leandro City Council to approve a <br />Page 5City of San Leandro <br />18