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WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2019-20 <br />4 | P a g e <br />Participation in the LINKS BID service area helps businesses comply with the BAAQMD Commuter Benefit requirements. In 2014, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) implemented the Commuter Benefits Program that requires all employers with 50 or more full-time employees to provide commuter benefits to their employees. To comply with the Program, employers must select one (or more) of four commuter benefit options and register with BAAQMD. Participation in the LINKS BID satisfies Option 3 (“Employer Provided Transit”) under the requirements, allowing businesses to save time and money. <br />LINKS Budget <br />Funding for LINKS comes from the BID, grants, the City of San Leandro and advertising. The <br />BID funds approximately one-half of the LINKS service. Marina Square Shopping Center <br />purchases advertising on the LINKS buses. <br />LINKS received a $1.02M Measure BB five year grant. The BB funds have stabilized the <br />LINKS funding for the next several years at which time the SLTMO can reapply for new grant. <br />The SLTMO continues to pursue a variety of grant funding, however, grant funding is <br />challenging and unpredictable. For example, grant funds are drawn on a reimbursement basis <br />and can only be drawn as a percentage of the total expense for the reporting period. The <br />reimbursement process impacts cash flow making it necessary to have a strong reserve balance at <br />all times. <br />The LINKS budget can be found in Exhibit C. <br />2018-19 Activities <br />In FY 2018-19, The SLTMO focused on improved performance and rider experience replacing <br />the LINKS fleet with four new buses. The old buses were at the end of their useful life and had <br />begun experiencing routine breakdowns impacting on-time performance. The SLTMO issued a <br />Request for Proposals (RFP) for transportation services and four new buses. Five proposals <br />were submitted and the contract was awarded to MV Transportation. MV’s service yard is <br />located within the LINKS BID area on Williams Street and they have been a long time partner of <br />the LINKS service. <br />Looking to the future, the SLTMO researched alternative fuel vehicles but found that at this time <br />the technology is less reliable and the vehicles require more maintenance. Because the service <br />was replacing unreliable vehicles, it was decided that we couldn’t risk possible problems and we <br />would wait to move to alternative fuel vehicles during the next replacement cycle. <br />The new buses provided an opportunity to update the exterior bus branding, improve exterior <br />signage and provide information racks inside the buses. Each bus was fitted with a drive cam <br />which can record the interior and exterior of the bus in the event of an incident. <br />Over the last year SLTMO staff worked with BART in preparation for the Bus Rapid Transit <br />service. All shuttle stops were moved to San Leandro Blvd during construction and we are <br />36