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WEST SAN LEANDRO SHUTTLE BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ANNUAL REPORT FY 2019-20 <br />6 | P a g e <br />Per the approved Ordinance, the BID per employee rate may be increased annually by the <br />increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). For 2020 the applicable CPI factor is 3.7 percent. <br />This would result in the BID per employee rate increasing from $23.85 to $24.73. Businesses <br />with three or fewer owner/employees, landlords, and non-profits will continue to be exempt from <br />the BID assessment. <br />Proactive measures taken to generate new revenue and secure grants have helped to stabilize <br />funding for LINKS. The cash flow gap resulting from the grant reimbursement process will <br />continue to pose a challenge for LINKS. The Measure BB grant has stabilized LINKS funding <br />but the BB grant must be reauthorized every two years. Transportation costs have increased with <br />the new contract. <br />In order to ensure that funding for LINKS stays current with operating costs, it is recommended <br />that the 2020 BID rate be adjusted by the applicable Consumer Price Index (CPI). <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />EXHIBIT A – Ridership Statistics <br />EXHIBIT B – Brochure <br />EXHIBIT C – Budget <br />38