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8C Consent 2019 1202
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Packet 2019 1202
8C Consent 2019 1202
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11/26/2019 11:28:38 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 19-611 <br />LINKS received a $1.02 million Measure BB five year grant. The BB funds have stabilized the <br />LINKS funding for the next several years at which time the SLTMO can reapply for a new grant. <br />The SLTMO continues to pursue a variety of grant funding. However, grant funding is always a <br />challenge and unpredictable. For example, it was not until after staff received the Lifeline grant <br />that staff was informed that the Measure BB grant would be reduced by that amount. Grant funds <br />are also drawn on a reimbursement basis and can only be drawn as a percentage of total <br />expenses for the reporting period. The reimbursement process creates cash flow issues making <br />it necessary to have a strong reserve balance at all times. <br />The LINKS budget can be found in Exhibit C. <br />2018-19 Activities <br />In FY 2018-19, SLTMO focused on improved performance and rider experience replacing the <br />LINKS fleet with four new buses. The old buses were at the end of their useful lives and were <br />experiencing routine breakdowns impacting on-time performance. <br />Looking to the future, SLTMO researched alternative fuel vehicles but found that at this time the <br />technology is less reliable and the vehicles require more maintenance. Because the service was <br />replacing unreliable vehicles, SLTMO decided to wait to move to alternative fuel vehicles during <br />the next replacement cycle. <br />The new buses are comfortable and reliable. The exterior bus signage was updated to make the <br />shuttles more easily identifiable. Exterior signage was improved and information racks were <br />installed inside the buses. Each bus was fitted with a drive cam that can record the interior and <br />exterior of the bus if there is an incident. <br />Over the last year, SLTMO staff worked with BART and AC Transit to prepare for the Bus Rapid <br />Transit (BRT) service. All shuttle stops were moved to San Leandro Blvd. during construction. <br />SLTMO is continuing to work with BART to ensure that the LINKS Shuttle secures a suitable <br />permanent shuttle stop. <br />2019-20 Planned Operations <br />Following is a summary of planned activities for 2019-20: <br />1. Rider Survey - Conduct a rider survey to better understand rider needs, meet grant <br />requirements and guide program planning. <br />2. Nextbus - Continue Nextbus outreach. Nextbus allows riders to find real time arrival and <br />departure information through a mobile application. <br />3. Shuttle Stops at BART - The SLTMO will continue to work with BART to ensure that the <br />LINKS Shuttle secures a suitable curb assignment as the planning for the new BRT service <br />is implemented and the BART station bus and shuttle stops are reconfigured. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/27/2019 <br />27
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