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File Number: 19-624 <br />The City has utilized HdL’s business license software since 2005 and their audit services to <br />investigate businesses operating without City business licenses since 2016. These facts provide <br />HdL a unique understanding of the City’s business license processes, procedures, and Municipal <br />Code related to business license compliance. In 2018 the Finance department’s cashiering staff <br />decreased from three full-time staff to one staff person due to a medical leave and a transfer to <br />another City department. <br />Consequently, HdL was able to provide customer support, and a service center for the business <br />community and City staff. The business community benefitted from the online functionality of <br />HdL’s operations management program, such as filing license applications online, updating <br />information, making payments, receiving their business license certificate electronically, <br />corresponding with tax specialists and receiving assistance for their business license questions <br />in an online format as well as over the phone. <br />The results of the pilot program are summarized as follows: <br />·Increase business license compliance - in 2019 there were 3,218 business leads <br />identified operating without a business license; 2018 had 60 accounts (decreased number <br />of accounts attributed to department request to defer compliance efforts until cashiering <br />was fully staffed) <br />·Increase business license revenues - in 2019 business license revenues of $6.9 million <br />increased by 6% over the 2018 actuals of $6.5 million by $404,000 <br />·Cost savings to the City for 2018-19 is $143,000 associated with labor costs and postage <br />and forms expenditure savings compared to amount paid to HdL <br />·Web payments increased by 31%, or 1,085 accounts, and Mail-in payments decreased by <br />7%, or 539 accounts, thereby recognizing process efficiencies and accuracy <br />Previous Actions <br />·December 3, 2018 City of San Leandro City Council Resolution No. 2018-154 approving <br />HdL’s Service Agreement for Business License Tax Administration Services from <br />December 3, 2018 through November 30, 2019 for a Not to Exceed Amount of $125,000 <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />This General Fund HdL business license tax administration amendment can be executed for a <br />not-to-exceed amount of $135,000, which requires increasing the 2019-20 Budget by $135,000. <br />The current adopted budget is based on actual expenditures from 2017-18 and did not include <br />the pilot program costs experienced in 2018-19. If approved by City Council, there will be a <br />corresponding $135,000 appropriation from the General Fund economic uncertainty fund balance <br />for this contract. The costs of this contract will be offset by revenues generated from the annual <br />business license tax program. <br />Budget Authority <br />Staff recommends the City Council approve an appropriation from the General Fund economic <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/27/2019 <br />64