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File Number: 19-599 <br />equipment and work area, which improves safety, reduces noise while in use and protects the <br />equipment, which improves service life. <br />Sourcewell (formally known as the National Joint Powers Alliance - NJPA) is a municipal <br />contracting agency that creates cooperative contract purchasing solutions on behalf of over <br />50,000-member entities including government, education and non-profit agencies nationwide. <br />Utilizing Sourcewell, staff procured a bid from Owen Equipment, located in Fairfield, CA, which is <br />the closest authorized sales and service vendor for Vactor equipment. The proposal from Owen <br />equipment is attached. <br />Staff recommends a sole source purchase of the Vactor RamJet sewer cleaner because it best <br />maintains operational and maintenance consistency in terms of staff familiarity with the product <br />and the additional safety provided by the product. Per the attached proposal, the Vactor RamJet <br />sewer cleaner will cost $350,349.99, including taxes. <br />Budget Authority <br />The Equipment Repair and Maintenance Fund - Vehicle Purchasing Account 690-16-002-7510 <br />has $253,917.00 earmarked for this purchase. Staff is requesting an additional appropriation of <br />$96,432.99 from the Wastewater Pollution Control Plant Fund to the Equipment Repair and <br />Maintenance Fund to cover the remaining cost of the truck. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Attachment(s) to Staff Report <br />·Equipment Quote <br />·Sole Source Justification <br />PREPARED BY: Justin Jenson, Water Pollution Control Plant Manager <br />Hayes Morehouse, Water Pollution Control Plant Administrative Analyst II <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 11/27/2019 <br />119