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Agmt Chamber of Commerce 20190815
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Agmt Chamber of Commerce 20190815
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11/27/2019 4:53:47 PM
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11/27/2019 4:53:32 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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San Leandro Chamber of Commerce Consulting Contract <br />Fiscal Year 2019-2020 <br />Scope of Services <br />The San Leandro Chamber of Commerce believes the business community plays a critical role in <br />continuing to move the local economy forward, supporting the ecosystem of traditional businesses while <br />embracing technology & innovation and encouraging new business development and inviting newcomers <br />to the community. San Leandro's businesses are responsible for over 60% of the city's total revenues. <br />Collectively the business community is the economic driver of the community as they invest in <br />developments, open and/or expand businesses, create jobs and provide income that support the vitality <br />of our community. <br />The Chamber of Commerce initiatives focus on being the catalyst, convener, and champion for <br />the business community. For many years we have partnered with the City of San Leandro to move <br />common initiatives forward. For fiscal year 2019-2020, we propose the following scope of service to build <br />on those successes: <br />Workforce Development - $21,000 <br />Create and promote programs to establish viable interest and engagement within the business <br />community, local high school students and job seekers to facilitate workforce development opportunities. <br />$6000 Student Manufacturing Day, Fall 2019 - This event is utilized as a catalyst to introduce <br />students to the makers industry and educational institutions. The Chamber engages and coordinates <br />with local manufacturing companies tours for students to celebrate the manufacturing history of San <br />Leandro. Chabot College then introduces them to education courses available in their areas of interest. <br />The event is marketed to the schools and the business community. <br />$5000 Career Day, March 2020—This day is coordinated to expose local high school students to <br />companies with in San Leandro. Over 40 business, from traditional to new modern companies in <br />advanced manufacturing, are invited and attend this expo to share their knowledge and expertise in <br />guiding students to plan for their future careers. <br />$5000 Job Fair, April 2020 — The job fair champions the initiative of local people getting local jobs <br />within multiple industries in San Leandro. <br />$5000 Summer Internship Program, June/July 2020 - This program includes a formal interview <br />day for the host businesses to meet their potential intern, intern placement, and an internship farewell to <br />include highlights and learning experience about their internship. <br />Business Support Services - $24,000 <br />Coordinate and convene forums, roundtable discussions/presentations and meet up events to <br />educated, inform and connect businesses, create vision for the future, and collaborate around common <br />interests to maintain a business eco system. <br />$5000 National Manufacturing Week October 2019 - Industry meet up event in celebration of San <br />Leandro's dense and impressive manufacturing business sector. The Chamber will provide the platform, <br />marketing, promotion and support for the event and sign up of tour participation of 6 companies on <br />National Manufacturing Day. <br />$13,000 National Small Business Week 2020 - Provide the platform for short business education <br />seminars; website development, marketing, QuickBooks training, professional headshots, and more. <br />Increase promotion with direct mail piece. <br />$6000 (1500 per quarter) — Meet Our Businesses - Small intimate tours and conversations <br />inviting the mayor and city council members to join us in getting to know and understand the business <br />owners and their industry. The meetings will be ongoing 2 per quarter scheduling. Chamber staff will <br />work in conjunction with the City's economic development staff to ensure the mayor has ample time for <br />briefing on current projects and/or issues. <br />Economic Development - $5000 <br />San Leandro by Design is signature program focused on bringing San Leandro towards its fullest <br />potential. Programs are designed around relevant topics, bringing diverse interests and stakeholders <br />together. <br />$5000 Shoreline Development- June 2020 - Walking tour of the plans for development by Cal <br />Coast Development. They will showcase the vision of the development as we explore the shoreline, <br />eventually leading to an after event mixer at a shoreline location. <br />
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