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2 <br />impeded by the following conditions: <br /> <br />(1) Three major railway lines, the elevated BART line, three major <br />freeways and a natural creek, divide the City into numerous sections, <br />and equipment responding to emergencies face potential delays and <br />obstruction of access in crossing these barriers. <br /> <br />(2) San Leandro lies in the path of two major water reservoirs which, <br />upon failure, would inundate a large portion of the City, further <br />delaying the response to a fire or other emergency. <br /> <br />(3) A growing community of single-family and multi-family dwellings <br />presently exists on the easterly side of Highway 580, which is itself a <br />potential physical barrier impeding response to a fire or other <br />emergency. <br /> <br />(4) The two major north-south emergency response routes aside from the <br />freeways are dependent upon bridges spanning San Leandro Creek. <br />Failure of these bridges would isolate a heavily populated section of <br />the City north of the creek. <br /> <br />In an event, gas presents an extreme danger to life and property and <br />could cause loss of life, damage to property and destruction of <br />infrastructure. <br /> <br /> <br />(c) A large area of potential residential development in the westerly portion of the <br />City, adjacent to the Bay, is potentially subject to liquefaction which may cause <br />a loss of lateral support for gas pipe, resulting in its failure. Liquefaction also <br />often results in a greater degree and different form of differential movement <br />than occurs elsewhere, which may cause excessive strain on gas pipe. <br /> <br />(d) High wind conditions normally exist in the hillside, shoreline areas and the City, <br />increasing the potential for fire spread if there is a gas pipe failure.