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File Number: 19-636 <br />completely collapse the window and damage the historical stained glass artwork . Engineering <br />and Transportation Department staff have also visited the site, reviewed the submitted bids, and <br />verified its stated condition. <br />Analysis <br />The overall window frame is 10 feet in height by 8 inches in width, with a leaded art glass panel in <br />its center, which is 40 inches wide by 46 inches in height. It is oriented with the exterior facing <br />south and the interior facing north, and is located along the front exterior stairway. Per the stained <br />glass specialist’s inspections and City staff’s review, it has been verified that the stained glass <br />window and its surrounding panels need to be repaired. <br />After review of the submitted bids, the Alta Mira Club has selected Nzilani Glass Conservation to <br />carry out the work. Of the three firms that submitted bids, they were determined to be the most <br />qualified at competitive pricing. They are one of the few companies in the United States qualified <br />to conserve historical glass works. The firm is also known for its surveys and ability to provide <br />one-stop treatments (including window removal, transportation, conservation, restoration, and <br />reinstallation). <br />The work has been quoted at $27,165, in addition to approximately $954 in costs associated with <br />securing the necessary building permits. The Alta Mira Club has requested $23 ,000 in funds from <br />the City and has committed to providing any remaining matching costs from their own sources. <br />City staff recommends providing the majority of the requested financial support from the Citywide <br />Community Investment Program, which is used each year as a source of funds for projects or <br />programs that benefit the visual appearance of neighborhoods, or to support programs or <br />community events that benefit the public at large. This proposed action represents 20% of the <br />available Community Investment funding in the current fiscal year. <br />The City of San Leandro Arts Commission was also contacted by representatives from the Alta <br />Mira Club and visited the site on October 23,, 2019 and hosted their October meeting on site. At <br />their subsequent meeting of November 20, 2019, the Arts Commission voted to allocate funding <br />from their previously appropriated annual budget to help support the project. Based on this <br />action, staff recommends allocating $20,000 from the Community Investment Program along with <br />$3,000 from the Arts Commission’s budget, for a grand total contribution of $23,000 from the <br />City. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />If the requested action is approved by the City Council, it would result in $23,000 allocation of <br />previously appropriated funding from the City’s 2019-20 General Fund budget <br />Budget Authority <br />The source of funds for the recommended action would be provided from the following existing, <br />previously appropriated General Fund sources: <br />·$20,000: Community Investment Program (Account: 010-14-010-8513) <br />·$3,000: Arts Commission Annual Budget (Account: 010-14-010-8516) <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/10/2019 <br />71