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10B Action 2019 1216
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Packet 2019 1216
10B Action 2019 1216
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12/10/2019 11:47:44 PM
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12/10/2019 11:47:31 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 19-657 <br />BACKGROUND <br />On June 15, 2015, the City Council approved adoption of the Community Workforce Agreement <br />(CWA) negotiated with the Alameda County Building and Construction Trades Council (BTC) and <br />its affiliated local unions to govern labor procedures for City construction projects valued at or <br />above $1,000,000. Further, the Agreement set in place policies and goals related to the hiring of <br />San Leandro residents to work on City construction projects and the hiring of San Leandro <br />residents into the signatory unions’ apprenticeship programs. The three-year term of the CWA <br />began on January 1, 2016. City Council approved a twelve-month extension on December 17, <br />2018. <br />The basic provisions of the CWA agreement with the BTC are as follows: <br />Covered Work: The work covered under the draft CWA includes all on-site construction, <br />demolition, alteration, painting or repair of buildings, structures, landscaping, temporary fencing <br />and other related activities for the projects that is within the craft jurisdictions of one of the <br />signatory unions and that is part of the projects, including, pipelines, site preparation, survey work, <br />and demolition. <br />The agreement does not apply to projects for which there is a prohibition, exclusion or other <br />limitation imposed because of a grant requirement , funding source agreement , or other <br />agreement that creates a risk to the City of any repayment or return to source of any funds <br />received. <br />Construction contracts that are governed by the CWA are still subject to competitive bidding laws <br />and prevailing wages; the City is required by law and its own ordinances to select the lowest <br />responsive and responsible bidder. <br />Minimum Cost Threshold: The CWA applies to City construction projects whose value meets or <br />exceeds $1,000,000. <br />Labor Peace: For all projects covered by the CWA, BTC agrees that there will be no strikes, <br />sympathy strikes, work stoppages, picketing, hand billing, or slowdowns of any kind, for any <br />reason, on the projects, at a project job site or at any other facility of the City. <br />Union Hiring Hall and Impact on Non-Union Contractors: Contractors working on covered projects <br />are required, when filling craft job requirements, to utilize and be bound by the registration <br />facilities and referral systems authorized by the signatory unions, commonly referred to as the <br />union hiring hall. <br />The agreement does not prohibit non-union contractors from bidding on projects. However, the <br />CWA allows non-union contractors to use no more than five of their own employees and only if <br />those workers are San Leandro residents and an equal number of union workers are also <br />retained by the contractor. This is known as the “Core Worker” provision. Non-union “core” <br />workers hired under this provision are still required to register with the union hiring hall and the <br />non-union contractor is required to pay into the union trust fund, covering health and pension <br />benefits for these workers. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/10/2019 <br />81
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