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189.19 8/14/2019 8/14/2019 Anthony Minotti Email CCO <br />A copy of San Leandro City / Stale-dated check/warrant list; which may also be known as Limited <br />Payability Cancellation Report of refunds and credits. (Undeliverable checks/warrants) Specifically, <br />the undeliverable tax refund checks for individuals, businesses and vendor checks. Interested in <br />the items greater than $600.00 <br />Due: 09/05/2019 Finance 11/8/2019 <br />188.19 8/14/2019 8/15/2019 Andrew Ruth Email SLPD <br />• Copies of case files for all crimes classified as larceny or theft that were reported in July 1969. <br />Specifically, I am interested in the dollar value recorded for stolen property for each case. <br />o Referring to crimes classified as larceny or theft based on FBI Uniform Crime Report definitions <br />o Pocket-picking, shoplifting, purse snatching, and all other types of theft or larceny (from motor <br />vehicles, from buildings, of bicycles, etc.); <br />o Crimes classified as burglary or robbery <br />Due: 08/26/2019 SLPD 8/26/2019 <br />187.19 8/14/2019 8/14/2019 Mike Katz-Lacabe Email CCO <br />Any logs for use of the Cellebrite cell phone extraction device since January 1, 2018 <br />Any invoices, purchase orders, quotations, marketing materials, and correspondence between <br />Cellebrite and the San Leandro Police Department between January 1, 2017 and August 1, 2019. <br />All policies pertaining to the use of the Cellebrite extraction device and the data that is extracted <br />from cell phones, including the policy for retention of data when there is no conviction <br />Due: 08/26/2019 <br />Due: 09/25/2019 SLPD/IT/Finance 9/16/2019 <br />186.19 8/14/2019 8/14/2019 Mike Katz-Lacabe Email CCO <br />Copies of all correspondence between Direct Images Interactive and the City of San Leandro <br />between June 11, 2019 and July 25, 2019, including, but not limited to any RFPs, quotations, <br />proposals, invoices, instructions, project plans, memos, and electronic or written correspondence. <br />Due: 08/26/2019 <br />Due : 09/25/2019 <br />Due: 10/09/2019 <br />SLPD/IT/Finance Second courtesy email <br />sent on 10/09/2019 <br />185.19 8/13/2019 8/14/2019 Steve Luzmoor Email CMO Records related to 967 Castle St., San Leandro, created or modified between 1/1/2019 and the <br />present Due: 08/23/2019 CD/FINANCE/ SLPD 10/30/2019 <br />184.19 8/8/2019 8/14/2019 Kristen Schumacher Email CCO The total number of budgeted fulltime equivalent positions city wide <br />Total number of vacant fulltime equivalent positions city wide Due: 08/19/2019 HR 8/16/2019 <br />183.19 8/8/2019 8/13/2019 David Chapman Email CCO <br />Copies of any documents, (including but not limited to emails, paper documents, power point <br />presentations, slide decks, leave behind material, etc.) provided by individuals associated with the <br />Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development or the Center for Climate Integrity to the <br />Mayor, any members of the City Council or their staffs. <br />Emails from the Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development can be found by searching <br />for emails from the domain * <br />Emails from the Center for Climate Integrity can be found by searching for emails from the domain <br />* <br />Due 08/19/2019 CMO 11/8/2019 <br />182.19 8/7/2019 8/7/2019 Frank Trinidad Email CCO Building Permits for 1401 MaCarthur Blvd APN:077-0600-001-02 Due 8/19/2019 <br />Due 08/29/2019 CD 11/8/2019 <br />181.19 8/5/2019 8/7/2019 Helena Schecter Email CCO Bulk Fuel Contracts Due 8/15/2019 <br />12/5/19 PW <br />180.19 8/5/2019 8/7/2019 Miriah Gonzalez Email CCO July 2019 issued building permit report Due 8/15/2019 <br />Due 08/26/2019 CD 8/22/2019 <br />179.19 8/2/2019 8/7/2019 Kenneth Fox Mail SLPD All body camera recording and reports for SLPD Gomez officer-involved shooting on June 11, 2019 SLPD 8/7/2019 <br />178.19 8/2/2019 08/02//2019 Sangam Patel Email SLPD All disclosable records related to reports, investigations, findings, and adminstrative discipline of <br />Officer/Detective Jason Vincent (#4167)Due: 08/12/2019 SLPD 8/12/2019 <br />177.19 7/31/2016 8/1/2019 Kate Ham Email CCO <br />Copies of public records of eviction and tenant relocation assistance (TRA) since one-year before <br />the Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance was agendized <br />Copies of all notices of relocation assistance, amount of payment, tenants’ monthly rents, <br />addresses, and household income <br />All annual reviews of the tenant relocation assistance ordinance and the rent review ordinance <br />Copies of eviction notices for households that received relocation assistance <br />Annual statistics on the number of households that received relocation assistance, broken down <br />by type of eviction <br />Due: 08/12/2019 <br />Due: 08/30/2019 CD/Finance/ Rec&HS 11/8/2019 <br />176.19 7/31/2019 8/1/2019 Mike Katz-Lacabe Email CCO Copies of all correspondence between the San Leandro Police Department and Amazon and/or <br />representatives of Ring pertaining to its products since January 1, 2019.Due: 08/12/2019 SLPD/IT <br />8/12/2019 <br />2nd courtesy email <br />sent 10/09/2019 <br />23