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File Number: 19-645 <br />retrieval fee not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) per request for copies of reports and statements, <br />which are five (5) or more years old. <br />Since every CPRA request is distinct and the information requests vary, the average time spent <br />by staff time varies widely. Currently, the City does not track time associated by individual per <br />each CPRA request. Although, a general CPRA request involving one department/division may <br />take about four to six hours to complete and may only involve a few staff, there are CPRA <br />requests that can be quite large, involve multiple departments/divisions, require the City <br />Attorney’s Office advice on application of CPRA exemptions, and/or affect dozens of individuals. <br />For example, there have been CPRA requests for records involving every City employee or of a <br />development project that has been in the works for decades. CPRA requests of this scope are <br />hard to quantify, but they could exceed over 100 hours of total staff time. <br />Although we do not currently track individual hours per request, a cursory review of the requests <br />over the last two years appears to show the increase in volume may equate to approximately <br />1,500 to 2,000 more hours spent managing, processing, tracking, coordinating, and finalizing <br />CPRA requests city wide (not counting CPRA requests not coming through the City Clerk’s <br />office). While there has been a large increase in the number of CPRAs, the time associated with <br />them has also significantly increased, especially with Police Department record requests. <br />Number of City-wide Public Record Act Requests <br />2017 135 <br />2018 187 <br />2019 (through November 30, 2019) 251 <br />Over the last two years, there has been an 86 percent increase in the volume of CPRA requests. <br />The Public Record Request Break-down by Department <br />Of the 251 public records requests received so far by the City Clerk’s Office in 2019, the following <br />numbers show which departments have received requests and their percentage of the overall <br />total: <br />Department No. of Requests Percent of Total <br />Community Development 86 28% <br />Police 76 25% <br />Public Works 39 13% <br />Finance 33 11% <br />City Manager’s Office 29 09% <br />Fire Department 15 05% <br />Information Technology 15 05% <br />Engineering & Transportation 10 03% <br />Human Resources 04 01% <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/10/2019 <br />14