230.19 10/7/2019 10/8/2019 Caroline Haskins Email CCO
<br />Records related to Forensic Logic, and its three services, COPLINKX, LEAP Search, and COPLINK: •
<br />Any contracts, purchase, orders, invoices, and receipts related to the Forensic Logic, and its three
<br />services, COPLINKX, LEAP Search, and COPLINK. • All instructional materials, presentations and
<br />presentation materials (including recorded video and audio, PowerPoint files, prepared remarks,
<br />and slides formats), and other guidance on the use of COPLINKX, LEAP Search, and COPLINK. This
<br />includes A) any notes taken during meetings that discussed the use of COPLINKX, LEAP Search, and
<br />COPLINK, B) any explanations (whether internally or externally generated) of how COPLINKX, LEAP
<br />Search, and COPLINK work, and C) any other document that has been used to help explain the use
<br />of COPLINKX, LEAP Search, and COPLINK to any party, including internal documentation, public
<br />relations materials, and executive summaries. • A copy of any privacy impact assessments, use
<br />policies, standard operating procedures, data retention policies, legal opinions, warranties, non-
<br />disclosure agreements, contracts, liability waivers, insurance agreements, Requests for Proposals,
<br />Responses to Requests for Proposal, Memorandums of Understanding, Letters of Interest, usage
<br />policies, or informal agreements between the police department and Forensic Logic. • A copy of
<br />any funding opportunity announcements, grant applications and grantor status/progress reports,
<br />reports to legislative bodies, annual reports that mentionthe programs COPLINKX, LEAP Search,
<br />COPLINK, or the company Forensic Logic, as well as audit records, including but not limited to
<br />security audits of the software, misuse reports, and reports to oversight bodies. • Any digital
<br />communications including but not limited to emails and text messages) as well as documents,
<br />(including but not limited to SLPDF, word processing, excel, and slide documents) that mention the
<br />programs COPLINKX, LEAP Search, COPLINK, or the company Forensic Logic.
<br />Due: 10/17/2019
<br />Due: 11/12/2019 SLPD 10/30/2019
<br />229.19 10/7/2019 10/7/2019 Mike Katz-Lacabe Email CCO A copy of the cyber security presentation delivered by Tony Batalla to the San Leandro City Council
<br />on October 7, 2019 Due: 10/17/2019 IT 10/7/2019
<br />228.19 10/7/2019 10/8/2019 Lenni Chan Fax CCO A copy of records for property at 1076 Hutchings Dr
<br />Rental Permit, Business License and Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Due: 10/17/2019
<br />Due: 11/01/2019 CD 10/31/2019
<br />227.19 10/7/2019 10/7/2019 Nilgun Boyar Email CCO Records of building permits and environmental health permits obtained for the Mediterranean
<br />Kitchen Restaurant located at 599 Dutton Avenue, San Leandro 94577
<br />Due: 10/17/2019
<br />11/13/2019 CD 10/23/2019
<br />226.19 10/7/2019 10/7/2019 Andreas Mihaly Email CCO Current electronic maps of city councilmatic districts. This would include any geospatial vector
<br />data, GIS, shapefiles or other mapping files utilized by the city or its partners Due: 10/17/2019 IT/E&T 10/16/2019
<br />225.19 10/3/2019 10/14/2019
<br />CIFAC Construction
<br />Force Account
<br />Council
<br />Certified Mail CCO
<br />Information relating to Street paving on West Ave 135th between Aurora and Menlo St. and the
<br />data below:
<br />• Copies of procurement/bidding policy
<br />• A list of publications where public works construction projects are advertised
<br />• A copy of project specifications
<br />• Copies of any/all documents reflecting funding mechanisms associated with the project
<br />• A copy of any estimates or cost studies performed prior to the commencement of the project,
<br />including an estimate of cost associated with district personnel self-performing the work
<br />• Start and completion dates for the work
<br />• Copies of employee time cards who worked on the project including inspectors and supervisors
<br />• Copies of all inspection logs/work logs
<br />• Copies of any/all material invoices
<br />• A list of any equipment used on this project, including make and mode
<br />• Detailed scope of work
<br />Due: 10/14/2019
<br />Due: 11/6/2019 E&T/ Finance/ PW 11/6/2019
<br />224.19 10/3/2019 10/3/2019
<br />Michelle I. Morelli,
<br />Esq. / Janet L. Savage,
<br />Paralegal
<br />Email CCO
<br /> All "Call for Service Report" records pertaining to private property tows performed pursuant to
<br />California Vehicle Code §22658, including: Tow Company, Date Towed, Time Towed, and the
<br />Location from where the vehicle was towed, for the period of July 1, 2019 through September 30,
<br />2019.
<br />Due: 10/14/2019 CCO 10/10/2019
<br />223.19 10/1/2019 10/3/2019 Mary Pierce Email CCO Complete and final copy of Ordinance No. 2004-007. Due: 10/11/2019 CCO 10/23/2019
<br />222.19 9/30/2019 10/2/2019 Miriah Gonzalez Email CCO
<br />Building permits issued by month for September 2019 all building activity, including new and
<br />existing residential and commercial construction, HVAC, solar, etc., for June. Permit records or
<br />copies must include permit description, date of issuance, type, valuation and any units, if
<br />applicable
<br />Due: 10/10/2019
<br />11/13/2019 CD 10/23/2019
<br />221.19 9/24/2019 9/27/2019 Jennifer Rodriguez Email CCO Police incident report No. 2019-00043258 involving Eric Mackowiak on 09/21/2019 Due: 10/04/2019 SLPD 10/10/201920