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8D Consent 2019 1216
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Packet 2019 1216
8D Consent 2019 1216
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12/10/2019 11:48:10 PM
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12/10/2019 11:48:06 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 19-634 <br />·Amounts of revenue; <br />·Use of the tax revenue and the impact on City operating budgets including statement on <br />impact of revenue in reducing amounts of cuts resulting from addressing the budget <br />shortfall; <br />·Statement of expenditures funded by the Measure’s revenues (Summary, Table 1); <br />·Impacts of the Measure on local business competitiveness and the collection of other <br />revenues; <br />·Information for the public and transparency; and <br />·Promotion of public participation in developing a revenue sustainability plan and strategy. <br />Measures OO, PP, and NN were passed by voters in November 2016. Each also required <br />independent citizen oversight. <br />The Measure HH Oversight Committee held its first meeting on September 29, 2015, discussed <br />the annual report, and made several recommendations. City staff supported the work of the <br />Committee by producing financial information and community priorities supporting the need for <br />Measure HH. Annual audits have produced unqualified opinions from the City’s independent <br />auditor. Both audits and City budgets adopted by the City Council receive awards from the <br />Government Finance Officers Association. The audit for 2018-19 is currently underway and <br />expected to conclude prior to December 31, 2019. <br />Table 1 (Attachment 1) reflects expenditure cutting proposals (identified related to Measure Z, the <br />original sales tax measure approved in 2010) that were avoided with passage of Measure Z and <br />later by Measures HH, OO, PP and NN. The results shown reflect use of revenues over the life of <br />the measures. <br />Measure HH <br />Measure HH authorized a 0.50% Transaction and Use Tax that increased the total sales tax rate <br />on retail sales in San Leandro to 9.50%. Of the total rate, 1.50% flows to the General Fund, <br />supporting the full range of municipal services. At the time of approval, the total combined tax <br />rate in the city became 10%. Subsequently, the rate in the city lowered to 9.75% with the <br />expiration of Proposition 30 in 2016-the temporary increase in sales tax preventing cuts in the <br />California education budget. The current breakdown of the sales tax rate in San Leandro is <br />shown in Table 2 (Attachment 2). <br />Measures OO, PP, and NN <br />In November 2016, San Leandro voters approved Measures OO, PP, and NN. The Measures <br />passed and took effect on January 1, 2017 and in summary include: <br />·Business license taxes reduced for small businesses and charging 10% of gross receipts <br />for parking lots and also charging $100 per 1,000 square feet for property used for <br />warehouse/storage and wholesale/distribution businesses. <br />·Transient occupancy tax increased to 14%. <br />·Cannabis business tax of up to 10% of gross receipts (currently 6%). <br />These revenue sources align with previously adopted City Council goals and policy priorities as <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/10/2019 <br />54
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