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8D Consent 2019 1216
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2019 1216
8D Consent 2019 1216
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12/10/2019 11:48:10 PM
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12/10/2019 11:48:06 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 19-634 <br />Measure HH and OO, PP, and NN revenue may be used for any legal, General Fund expenditure <br />by the City. The total General Fund revenue related to the four Measures is $14,668,000. This <br />total equals 11% of all General Fund revenue in 2018-19. <br />The significance of the combined revenues from Measures HH and OO, PP, and NN are seen in <br />the context of departmental expenditures including public safety. The total of $14,668,000 <br />represents 36% of the total Police Department’s 2018-19 budget and 58% of the Fire <br />Department budget in 2019-20. Eliminating the Measures’ revenue would be equivalent to <br />eliminating funding for 56 of the Police Department’s 71 Police Officer positions. <br />Measure HH indicated passage would sustain 9-1-1 emergency response times, neighborhood <br />police patrols, investigation and gang suppression officers, library hours/programs, street and <br />pothole repairs, youth after-school and senior programs, and other general City services. All of <br />these services have been based on approval of all the tax measures. <br />Chart 1 (Attachment 4) shows a total of 57% of City expenditures are budgeted for public safety in <br />2019-20. The remaining 43% will fund libraries, parks, community development, general <br />government, infrastructure improvements, and all repairs and maintenance. The total of <br />$14,668,000 from the tax measures at least double all other individual departments’ <br />expenditures. In fact, the total combined expenditures for the Recreation & Human Services, <br />Library Services, and Engineering & Transportation departments only slightly exceeds <br />$14,668,000. <br />Ø Impacts of Measure HH on local business competitiveness and the collection of <br />Sales Tax revenues <br />Measure HH <br />The City’s sales tax consultants, Avenu Insights & Analysis, report seeing no data indicating any <br />change in consumer behavior (across many clients) based on sales tax rate differences. Sales <br />tax revenue has increased in San Leandro at a greater rate than has the average increase for all <br />cities in Alameda County since the inception of Measure Z. Five other cities in Alameda County <br />have a 9.75% rate: Alameda, Albany, Hayward, Newark, and Union City. The other 9 cities in the <br />County have 9.25% sales tax rates. General sales tax revenue in San Leandro increased 7% in <br />2018-19, further indicating that Measure HH has little adverse impact. <br />Ø Measure HH public information and transparency efforts <br />Measures HH and OO, PP, and NN <br />Measure HH revenue has been highlighted in the City Council’s Adopted Budget. In the Budget <br />Message, it is stated: Measure HH is approved for a 30 year period and promises to protect <br />and maintain City services. These include 911 emergency response, neighborhood police <br />patrols, anti-gang enforcement, and library programs for children, adults and families. It also <br />supports after-school programs for youth including homework assistance and reading <br />programs, school police officers, and crossing guards. The funds also help fill potholes and <br />maintain residential streets. Projections indicate the City will receive $11 to 13 million per year <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/10/2019 <br />57
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