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File Number: 19-663 <br />development, and job creation. San Leandro Industrial Hub Area <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Establishment of the San Leandro Industrial Hub Area as a Priority Production Area works <br />towards the following City Council Goals: <br />·Place San Leandro on a firm foundation for long-term fiscal sustainability. <br />·Advance projects and programs promoting sustainable economic development, including <br />transforming San Leandro into a center for innovation. <br />·Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Policy ED-1.2 Maintaining San Leandro’s Competitive Advantage. Maintain and <br />protect San Leandro’s inventory of larger-scale industrial sites and buildings with easy <br />access to freeways, rail, airports, and seaports. Discourage the conversion of industrial <br />uses to commercial and residential uses except where part of a carefully targeted citywide <br />strategy. <br />·Policy ED-1.3 Industrial Land Use Efficiency. Encourage more efficient use of the <br />City’s industrial land supply, creating higher employment densities and high quality jobs, <br />while discouraging the use of large sites and buildings for storage and other low intensity <br />uses. Ensure that zoning and other development regulations support higher utilization of <br />sites zoned for commercial and industrial activities. <br />·Policy ED-1.4 Emerging Industries. Promote and support the growth of new and <br />emerging industries, especially industries requiring work space that is consistent with San <br />Leandro’s building stock and industries with the potential to provide quality jobs at all skill <br />levels and wage levels for San Leandro residents. <br />·Policy ED-1.5 Core Industries. Make San Leandro the Bay Area’s location of choice for <br />advanced manufacturing, food and beverage production, and entrepreneurs in the “maker” <br />economy. <br />·Action ED-1.9A Made in San Leandro. Continue marketing, branding, and public <br />relations efforts which promote San Leandro’s unique business assets and amenities, <br />legacy as a manufacturing center, and commitment to ingenuity and innovation. <br />·Action ED-1.6C Promoting Food and Beverage Operations. Capitalize on the <br />concentration of food producers and craft breweries to create jobs, entertainment venues, <br />and destinations that help brand the city. <br />·Policy ED-3.3 Leading Edge Economic Sectors. Continue efforts to attract businesses <br />on the leading edge of the Bay Area economy, including advanced fabrication, clean tech, <br />information services, advanced transportation, and maker businesses. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The nomination of the San Leandro Industrial Hub Area as a Priority Production Area was <br />reviewed by the City Attorney. <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/23/2019 <br />39