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File Number: 19-583 <br />were issued to NCE Engineers and WRECO Engineers for design of streets to be repaired <br />under this two (2) phase project. Construction of phase one of this project was performed by <br />DeSilva Gates Construction, L.P. and included improvements in the northern half of the City, most <br />notably on San Leandro Boulevard north of San Leandro Creek. <br />On July 16, 2018, the City Council awarded a contract to Granite Construction, Inc. for $1,754,160 <br />for Phase 2 of the subject project and authorized the City Manager to approve contract change <br />orders up to 15% of the total contract amount. This contract overlaid and reconstructed 2.7 <br />lane-miles of roadway on eight different streets. The streets selected for overlay were the worst <br />streets that could be preserved utilizing overlays. The streets selected for rehabilitation were the <br />worst streets within the City. When selecting streets, priority was given to streets that carry more <br />vehicles and streets that are on a bike route. Whereas the first phase of this construction project <br />contained arterials, collectors, and bike routes, this second phase consisted primarily of <br />residential streets. This contract also constructed approximately $200,000 in Americans with <br />Disabilities Act (ADA) ramp upgrades that are adjacent to and required by the street work. <br />Additionally, this contract constructed speed cushions on six streets as part of the Neighborhood <br />Traffic Calming Program and point repairs to the sanitary sewer collection system that were <br />identified during or precipitated by the project. A list of the improvement locations is attached to <br />this staff report. <br />Analysis <br />The construction of the project is nearing completion. However, the current executed change <br />orders by staff are approaching the existing contract change order cap authorization approved <br />with the award of the project. Authorizing an increase in the change order cap from 15% to 27% <br />or $263,100 to $464,572; an increase of $201,472 will enable staff to complete the project <br />without delay. <br />During the construction phase of this project, the contractor was directed to perform extra work to <br />install additional improvements that were not included in the original design. Adding these <br />improvements to an ongoing construction project ensured they would be installed promptly. These <br />improvements are as follows: <br />·Additional asphalt concrete required to stabilize soft base encountered during <br />construction. The original budget amount for this item was $447,370 and the actual cost is <br />$661,118, yielding a cost of $213,748; <br />·Additional potholes required to identify additional shallow underground utilities <br />encountered during construction. The original budget amount for this item was $32,000 <br />and actual cost is $113,000, yielding a cost of $81,000; and <br />·Additional effort required to work around a PG&E high pressure gas transmission line on <br />San Leandro Boulevard. The original budget amount for this item was $0, and the actual <br />cost is $48,594, yielding a cost of $48,594. <br />By the City Council authorizing an increase in the change order cap, staff will be able to provide <br />payment to the contractor for the increased scope of work under the current contract. An increase <br />of 12% ($201,472) to the existing contract change order cap is necessary to cover the costs of <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/23/2019 <br />45