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File Number: 19-581 <br />This contract includes the construction of enhanced pedestrian crossings at two locations: the <br />intersection of Haas Avenue and Bancroft Avenue, and the intersection of Williams Street and <br />Dolly Avenue. The work will include solar powered RRFBs that are pedestrian activated, as well <br />as advanced warning signage and pavement striping on the approaches to the intersections. <br />Additionally, the work at the Bancroft location includes bulb-outs at the crosswalk to shorten the <br />crossing distance for pedestrians and improve visibility. These improvements will increase <br />pedestrian safety at each of the intersections. The project also includes the installation of Speed <br />Feedback Signs on Benedict Drive as a traffic calming measure. Finally, the project will repair <br />four (4) damaged storm drain inlets along East 14th Street and one storm drain inlet on 140th <br />Avenue. <br />This project was bid for the first-time during summer 2019; however, the one bid that was <br />received was significantly over the Engineer’s estimate. Subsequently, staff recommended, and <br />the Council ordered the rejection of the bid and rebidding the project at a more favorable time. <br />This project is not subject to the provisions of the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) <br />because the contract value is below $1,000,000. <br />Analysis <br />Bids were opened on November 14, 2019. A total of 2 bids were received ranging from <br />$494,009 to 495,531. The pre-bid engineer’s estimate is $296,138.00. Staff verified that the <br />contractor has a valid license with the Contractor’s State License Board and is registered with the <br />California Department of Industrial Relations. The low bidder does not have an office in San <br />Leandro that would qualify it as a local business per the Local Inclusion Policy Ordinance; <br />however, the bidder did meet the requirements of the Local Business Participation ordinance by <br />submitting documents indicating that a good faith effort was made. <br />As is standard in the construction industry, staff balanced site investigation costs with the risk of <br />finding unforeseen conditions during construction as well as the design costs with the level of <br />detail on the plans. As a result, unforeseen conditions may be encountered during construction <br />and plan details may need to be adjusted or clarified. In order to minimize delay to the project <br />and ensure that the scope of work is adjusted as needed to provide the highest quality facilities <br />for the City, staff requests that the City Council authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to <br />negotiate and approve individual change orders up to 5% of the original contract amount <br />($24,700) and change orders up to a cumulative value of 11% of the original contract amount <br />($54,341). <br />The speed feedback signs will be funded from existing appropriations for the City’s <br />Neighborhood Traffic Calming program. The storm drain work will be funded from existing <br />appropriations for road maintenance. The pedestrian crossing improvements will be funded from <br />two pedestrian crossing appropriations as well as additional funding from the City’s Measure B <br />Bicycle and Pedestrian fund requested herein. Without additional funding the project will not have <br />a contingency fund available in the event of change order work. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/23/2019 <br />51