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City of San Leandro <br />2020 Federal Legislative Platform and Policy Guidance <br />Scheduled for City Council Review - January 6, 2020 <br />The City of San Leandro’s federal legislative agenda for 2020 is designed to reflect the adopted <br />priorities and policy direction of the Mayor and City Council with direct input from the City <br />Administration. This strategic agenda also includes advocating for legislation, regulations, and <br />funding that is consistent with the City’s adopted priorities. Adoption of this document is designed <br />to provide standing authority for the Mayor and members of the City Council, City staff, or the <br />City’s legislative advocates to take action on pending legislative matters on behalf of the City of <br />San Leandro when time or other constraints preclude bringing such matters before the City <br />Council in advance. Such actions could include issuing letters, attending or scheduling meetings, <br />or otherwise advocating for actions that are consistent with the policy language contained herein. <br />This document is also designed to provide the public and the City’s advocates a better <br />understanding of the Mayor and City Council’s policy preferences regarding a variety of legislative <br />and intergovernmental issues that might arise during the course of the year at the federal year. <br />Summary of Federal Policy Issues for Advocacy or Monitoring: <br />Affordable Care Act: Oppose federal efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Support efforts <br />to expand health insurance coverage to the public, or otherwise retain key provisions within the <br />Act that provide insurance coverage for at-risk populations. Support funding for Community <br />Health Centers. <br />Broadband Infrastructure. Support the expansion of public and private access to broadband, <br />as well as the protection of public wi-fi system integrity. Support efforts to protect local land use <br />authority over related infrastructure. Support efforts to restore network neutrality protections and <br />provide a level playing field among market competitors. Oppose federal actions that would limit <br />consumer protections or otherwise limit local control. <br />Cannabis Regulation. Support modifying the Schedule I status of cannabis at the federal level, <br />including efforts that would facilitate additional scientific research and study. Support efforts to <br />protect public safety and facilitate effective regulation, including access to the banking system. <br />Oppose federal actions that interfere with state’s rights or restrict local control. <br />Carbon Fee and Dividend. Support the exploration of innovative ways of addressing carbon <br />emissions at the federal level, including proposals for a national carbon fee & dividend. Such a <br />program would assess a fee at the sources of fossil fuel extraction or other activities that generate <br />carbon emissions. Program revenues could then be returned to American households in the form <br />of a dividend, or otherwise used to bolster environmental protection efforts. <br />Census. Support the implementation of the 2020 census, including augmented federal funding <br />for census outreach, or other efforts to ensure that all local populations are counted. Oppose <br />efforts that would restrict a complete count. <br />Climate Emergency and Climate Change Mitigation. Support federal action to address the <br />climate emergency and greenhouse gas emissions. Oppose efforts to weaken federal <br />environmental regulations. Support sustainability programs that reduce energy usage or support <br />106