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4w <br />Prices and Specifications Subjectto Change Without Notice. <br />Unpublished options may require review/approval. <br />Dimensional and performance data for unpublished options may vary from that displayed in CRM. <br />PRICING DISCLAIMER <br />While tae make every effort to maintain the web site to preserve pricing accuracy, prices are subject to change <br />without notice. Although the information in this price list is presented in good faith and believed to be correct at <br />the time of printing, we make no representations or warranties as to the completeness oraccuracy of this <br />information. We reserve the right to change, delete or otherwise modify the pricing information which is <br />represented herein without any prior notice. We carefully check pricing specifications, but occasionally errors can <br />occur, therefor we reserve the right to change such prices without notice. We disclaim all liability for any errors or <br />omissions in the materials. In no event will tae be responsible for any damages of any nature whatsoever from the <br />reliance upon information from these materials. Please check your order prebills to confirm your pricing <br />information <br />'rice Level: January 1. 2020 <br />Goal: STK 337 AR 24 26 G1.VV <br />Printed 1,3n: 8/21,2019 12.06:33 PA <br />Page 14 of 14 <br />Gate: AL19LISI 21. 2019 <br />Quote NUrnber: QUO-518372-KH9PS <br />