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File Number: 20-057 <br />General Plan Map Amendment <br />The proposed General Plan Map Amendment would align the General Plan Land Use <br />designations for the Shoreline site with the City Council’s updated vision for development of the <br />area, as reflected in the Concept Plan included as Exhibit B to the attached draft Ordinance. The <br />proposed General Plan Map Amendments are in the public interest as they lay the groundwork for <br />future development of the Shoreline area with a self-sustaining mix of housing, recreation, public <br />amenities, and hospitality consistent with the General Plan’s stated goals and policies, including <br />but not limited to: <br />Goal LU-9. Reinforce the San Leandro Shoreline as a regional destination for dining, <br />lodging, entertainment, and recreation, while creating a new waterfront neighborhood with <br />housing, retail, and office uses. <br />Policy LU-9.1 Waterfront Enhancement. Enhance the San Leandro waterfront as a <br />distinguished recreational shoreline and conservation area, with complementary activities <br />that boost its appeal as a destination for San Leandro residents and visitors. Future <br />development at the Shoreline should be compatible with the area's scenic and recreational <br />qualities. <br />Policy LU-9.3. Public Amenities in Shoreline Development. Ensure that future <br />development at the Shoreline includes complementary amenities that benefit San Leandro <br />residents and current shoreline users, such as improved park space, restaurants, <br />pedestrian and bicycle paths, and access to the Bay Trail. <br />Policy LU-9.4. Land Use Mix. Strive for a mix of land uses in the San Leandro Shoreline <br />area that requires little or no City investment and results in a Shoreline that is financially <br />self-supporting. Development should be phased in a manner that is consistent with this <br />policy, and should maximize the extent to which commercial development funds public <br />amenities and services. <br />Further, the proposed amendments would add much needed market-rate and workforce housing <br />to San Leandro, as called for in the General Plan’s Housing Element Action 53.01-D: <br />Housing Element Action 53.01-D: Shoreline Area Housing Opportunities. <br />Complete a planning study for the San Leandro Marina area which includes opportunities <br />for new housing at a variety of densities. Following consideration by the Planning <br />Commission and City Council, make appropriate zoning changes which would enable the <br />construction of additional housing units in this area. <br />General Plan Text Amendment <br />The proposed General Plan Text Amendment would include an updated Land Use narrative for <br />the Shoreline area and would amend Goal LU-9 and Action LU-9.4.A to reflect the updated vision <br />for the Shoreline. The amendments are necessary and in the public interest because they ensure <br />internal consistency between the General Plan Land Use Element and Land Use map as well as <br />Page 7 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/19/202014