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8D Consent 2020 0302
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 2020 0302
8D Consent 2020 0302
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2/25/2020 5:23:39 PM
Creation date
2/25/2020 5:23:06 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2020-023
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04-Ala 880 PM 22.6/24.0 <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />15.5. STATE reserves the right to remove or alter any LOGO that presents an immediate <br />safety hazard to the public without delay or advanced notification to CITY. <br /> <br />16. WALLS AND COLUMNS – CITY is responsible for debris removal, cleaning, and painting <br />to keep CITY's side of any wall structure or column free of debris, dirt, and graffiti. <br /> <br />17. LANDSCAPED AREAS ADJACENT TO CROSSING STRUCTURES – CITY is responsible <br />for the maintenance of any plantings or other types of roadside development lying outside of <br />the fenced right of way area reserved for exclusive freeway. <br /> <br />18. INTERCHANGE OPERATON - It is STATE’s responsibility to provide efficient operation of <br />freeway interchanges, including ramp connections to local streets and roads. <br /> <br />19. ELECTRICALLY OPERATED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES <br /> <br />The cost of installation, operation, maintenance, repairs, replacement and energy costs of <br />safety lighting, traffic signals or other necessary electrically operated traffic control devices <br />placed at interchanges of SR 880 Freeway and CITY streets and roads and at ramp connections <br />or SR 880 and CITY facilities shall be shared by the PARTIES under a separate Electrical Cost <br />Sharing Agreement. <br /> <br />20. BICYCLE PATHS - Except for bicycle paths constructed as permitted encroachments within <br />STATE’s right of way for which the permittee is solely responsible for all path improvements, <br />STATE will maintain, at STATE expense, all fences, guard railing, drainage facilities, slope <br />and structural adequacy of any bicycle path located and constructed within STATE's right of <br />way. CITY will maintain, at CITY expense, a safe facility for bicycle travel along the entire <br />length of the path by providing sweeping and debris removal when necessary; and all signing <br />and striping and pavement markings required for the direction and operation of that non- <br />motorized facility. <br /> <br />21. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES <br /> <br />21.1. Nothing within the provisions of this Agreement is intended to create duties or <br />obligations to or rights in third parties not PARTIES to this Agreement or to affect the <br />legal liability of a PARTY to the Agreement by imposing any standard of care with respect <br />to the operation and maintenance of STATE highways and local facilities different from <br />the standard of care imposed by law. <br /> <br />21.2. Neither CITY nor any officer or employee thereof is responsible for any injury, <br />damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE, <br />under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction conferred upon STATE <br />arising under this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that STATE shall fully defend, <br />indemnify and save harmless CITY and all of their officers and employees from all claims, <br />suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought forth under, including, but <br />not limited to, tortuous, contractual, inverse condemnation and other theories or assertions <br />of liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under <br />1058
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