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File Number: 20-066 <br />Street and East 14th Street and overcrossings such as Marina Boulevard located in San Leandro <br />that are under Caltrans’ jurisdiction. The proposed amendment and new agreements will extend <br />the City’s shared maintenance responsibilities to include the new improvements of Pedestrian <br />Hybrid Beacons on Davis Street at Carpentier Street, aesthetic improvements at the Marina <br />Boulevard and Davis Street Overcrossings, and signal improvement at the Marina Boulevard <br />Interchange. <br />The City was awarded $254,405 in the 2015-16 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) <br />cycle to install a HAWK signal at the Davis Street and Carpentier Street intersection. Davis <br />Street is State Route 112 and the City has agreements with Caltrans for maintenance <br />responsibilities on State roads throughout the City. Additionally, Caltrans plans to install HAWK <br />signals at two locations along East 14th Street at the intersections of 144th Avenue and Cornwall <br />Way/Blossom Way and one on Davis Street at Clarke Street. These HAWK signals are intended <br />to improve pedestrian safety in the City. <br />In conjunction with Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC), Caltrans, and with “fair <br />share” funding derived from the Kaiser Hospital Development’s environmental impact report <br />project mitigations, the City completed the reconstruction of the Marina Boulevard Interchange. <br />The Davis Street Interchange was also completed with funding from SB 1266 - Proposition 1B <br />“The Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006). Both <br />interchanges include aesthetic improvements to slope paving and bridge fencing currently <br />installed. As a part of the Hospital Development, Kaiser paid fees that provide for the City’s <br />installation of an adaptive traffic control system for the Marina Boulevard corridor from east of <br />I-880 to Merced Street. <br />Analysis <br />Caltrans requires that the City, as a condition of approval for an encroachment permit to install a <br />HAWK signal at Davis Street and Carpentier Street, amend its existing 1995 Agreement for <br />Maintenance of State Highways in the City of San Leandro to address maintenance costs and <br />responsibilities for the new pedestrian signal equipment. Additionally, Caltrans requires the <br />amendment with the City of San Leandro to specifically distribute the cost for the new HAWK <br />Signals (Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons), which are being installed by the City. <br />The new overcrossings at Marina Boulevard and Davis Street include specialty aesthetics such <br />as ornamental fencing and architectural slope paving. As a condition of installing these aesthetic <br />improvements at the Davis Street and Marina Boulevard Overcrossings along with proposed <br />adaptive traffic signal control improvements at the Marina Boulevard Interchange funded by <br />Kaiser, Caltrans requires a new Freeway Maintenance Agreement to define responsibilities and <br />distribute maintenance costs. Upon authorization of the Freeway Maintenance Agreement, <br />Caltrans will approve encroachment permits that will allow City staff to complete the installation of <br />the adaptive traffic signal control system. <br />The additional maintenance work will be performed by Public Works Services staff. The slope <br />paving requires litter and debris removal and the signals require preventative maintenance such <br />as traffic controller adjustments, lens cleaning and knock down repair. Funding for litter and <br />debris removal from the slope paving is from the Stormwater Fund 598-58-006, which currently <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/25/2020 <br />1047