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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2020-019 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO CITY COUNCIL <br />APPROVING A GENERAL PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT AND GENERAL PLAN MAP <br />AMENDMENT AND ADOPTING AN ADDENDUM TO THE PREVIOUSLY <br />CERTIFIED SAN LEANDRO SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (SCH # 2013072011) FOR THE PROPOSED 75 - <br />ACRE SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT INITIATED BY MONARCH BAY <br />LLC, AS APPLICANT, AND THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, AS PROPERTY <br />OWNER (PLN19-0074) <br />WHEREAS, the City owns certain real property consisting of approximately seventy- <br />five (75) acres located within the City limits in the Shoreline area (the "Property"); and <br />WHEREAS, the Property is located along both sides of Monarch Bay Drive between <br />Marina Boulevard and Fairway Drive. The Property includes Mulford Point to the north, <br />Pescador Point to the south, the boat harbor, the 9 -hole Marina Golf Course, and the Mulford - <br />Marina Branch public library; and <br />WHEREAS, the Property includes approximately 75 acres of City -owned property <br />identified as Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 08OG 0900 00108, 08OG 0900 004 01, 079A 0475 009 <br />04, 079A 0590 001 05, 079A 0590 001 07, 079A 0590 002 00, 079A 0590 003 00, and 079A <br />0590 004 00; and <br />WHEREAS, the City and Cal Coast Companies LLC, Inc., a Delaware corporation doing <br />business in California as Cal Coast Developer, Inc. (Cal -Coast), entered into an Exclusive <br />Negotiating Rights Agreement dated April 2, 2012 regarding development of the Property, as <br />such agreement has been amended and extended (the "ENRA"); and <br />WHEREAS, the City desires to facilitate the development of the Shoreline -Marina area <br />to create new housing units, lodging and restaurants, new facilities to foster economic growth, <br />and new recreational opportunities for the public, as well as promoting the productive use of <br />property and encouraging quality development and economic growth, thereby enhancing <br />employment and recreation opportunities for residents and expanding the City's tax base; and <br />WHEREAS, from 2008 to 2015, Cal -Coast worked with City staff and various City <br />resident advisory committees to develop a Shoreline Development Concept Plan for the Property <br />that would meet the stated objectives; and <br />WHEREAS, in July 2015, the City Council adopted Resolution 2015-126 and Ordinance <br />2015-008 approving a General Plan Map Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment (PLN2012- <br />00040) for the 2015 Shoreline Development Concept Plan that included a 150,000 square -foot <br />office campus, 200 -room hotel, 15,000 square -foot conference center, 354 housing units, three <br />restaurants totaling approximately 21,000 square feet, a new Mulford -Marina Branch library, a <br />three-story parking structure, a redesigned nine -hole golf course, and related site improvements; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the development described above, and related applications are collectively <br />known as the "2015 Project"; and <br />