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Action LU -9.4.A: Shoreline Development Plans <br />Include the following components in the shoreline development: <br />(a) A banquet facility and hotel; <br />(b) Multiple restaurants; <br />(c) Housing; <br />(d) An enhanced public library and community building; and <br />(e) Recreation areas and public gathering spaces. <br />Action LU -9.4.B: Sustainability and Sea Level Rise <br />Ensure that future development at the shoreline takes place in <br />an environmentally sensitive manner, taking into <br />consideration the potential effects of rising sea levels. <br />Action LU -9.4.C: Water -Oriented Recreation <br />Continue to explore potential water -oriented recreational <br />activities at the San Leandro Shoreline, such as swimming, <br />non -motorized watercraft rentals, and windsurfing. <br />Policy LU -9.5 Gateway Improvements. Encourage "gateway' <br />improvements which enhance the approach routes to the <br />Shoreline while minimizing the impacts of increased <br />traffic on area neighborhoods. Improvements could <br />include new signage, streetscape enhancements along <br />Marina Boulevard and Fairway Drive, entry monuments <br />and landscaping at the Shoreline itself, and longer-term <br />circulation changes. <br />See also Policy LU -8.12 and Action LU -7.6.0 <br />Action LU -9.5.A: Shoreline Area Roadway and Transit <br />Improvements <br />Pursue roadway, sidewalk, bike lane, and transit improvements <br />which beautify the entry to the Shoreline area, make it easier to <br />travel to the Shoreline without a car, and more evenly distribute <br />Shoreline -bound trips between Marina Boulevard and Fairway <br />Drive. <br />SAN LEANDRO GENERAL PLAN <br />L A N D U S E <br />3-io3 <br />