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WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed General <br />Plan Text Amendment, General Plan Map Amendment, and Zoning Map Amendment and <br />adoption of an Addendum to the San Leandro Shoreline Development Project FIR (SCH # <br />2013072011) to the City Council on a 5-1 vote (one absence); and <br />WHEREAS, the Community Development Department provided notice of the proposed <br />General Plan Text Amendment, General Plan Map Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment and <br />FIR Addendum public hearing by the City Council by publishing a public hearing notice in the <br />East Bay Times' Daily Review newspaper on February 14, 2020; and <br />WHEREAS, a staff report dated February 24, 2020, incorporated herein by reference, <br />described and analyzed the proposed General Plan Text Amendment, General Plan Map <br />Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment for the City Council; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro City Council did on the 24th day of February, <br />2020, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing for consideration of the proposed General Plan Text <br />Amendment, General Plan Map Amendment, and Zoning Map Amendment and did consider all <br />information pertaining to the Project, including the staff report, the findings, and all public <br />comments and testimony received prior to and during the hearing; and <br />WHEREAS, the City's General Plan, Zoning Code, Municipal Code and Administrative <br />Code are incorporated herein by reference and are available for review at City Hall during <br />normal business hours. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does hereby <br />RESOLVE that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made part of this resolution. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the City Council of the City of San Leandro <br />does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding the proposed General <br />Plan Amendment and hereby approves the General Plan Text Amendments shown in the <br />attached Exhibit A, the General Plan Map Amendments shown in the attached Exhibit B, and <br />Adopts the Addendum in attached Exhibit C based on the following findings and considering the <br />staff report and the whole of the record related to the Project: <br />Pursuant to CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines, the City finds, on the basis of substantial <br />evidence set forth in the record, including but not limited to, the Certified FEIR, the <br />Addendum, and all related information presented to the City Council, that the <br />environmental effects of the Project were sufficiently analyzed and that an Addendum <br />to the Certified FEIR is the appropriate environmental document for the Project. <br />The City Council further finds that none of the circumstances described in the CEQA <br />Guidelines requiring preparation of a subsequent or supplemental FIR exist because the <br />Project: <br />a. will not result in substantial changes in the project which will require major <br />revisions of the Certified FIR due to the involvement of new significant <br />environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously <br />identified significant effects; and <br />b. will not result in substantial changes with respect to the circumstances under <br />which the project is undertaken that would require major revisions of the <br />Certified FIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2020-019 4 <br />