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or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant <br />effects; and <br />c. does not present new information of substantial importance that was not known <br />and could not have been known with exercise of reasonable diligence at the <br />time of the Certified EIR was certified showing any of the following: <br />1. that the proposed project would have one or more significant effects not <br />discussed in the previous EIR; <br />II. that significant effects previously examined would be substantially more <br />severe than shown in the previous EIR; <br />III. that mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be <br />feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or <br />more significant effects, but the project proponents declined to adopt the <br />mitigation measure or alternative; and <br />IV. that mitigation measures or alternatives considerably different from <br />those analyzed in the Certified EIR would substantially reduce one or <br />more significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents <br />decline to adopt the mitigation measures or alternatives; and <br />2. Having considered the Addendum, the administrative record, the Shoreline <br />Development Project FEIR and all written and oral evidence presented to the City <br />Council, the City Council finds that all environmental impacts of the Project were <br />addressed within the Shoreline Development Project FEIR and the Addendum. The <br />City Council finds that no new or additional mitigation measures or alternatives are <br />required. The City Council further finds that there is no substantial evidence in the <br />administrative record supporting a fair argument that the Project may result in any <br />significant environmental impacts beyond those analyzed in the Shoreline <br />Development Project FEIR. The City Council finds that the Addendum contains a <br />complete, objective, and accurate reporting of the environmental impacts associated <br />with the Project and reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the City <br />Council. <br />3. That the proposed General Plan Text Amendment and General Plan Map <br />Amendments for the Shoreline Area are in the public interest because they will <br />ensure internal consistency within the General Plan and lay the groundwork for future <br />development of the San Leandro Shoreline as a vibrant, self-sustaining mixed-use <br />destination with complementary land uses that benefit San Leandro residents. <br />Introduced by Councilmember Ballew and passed and adopted this 24th day of February <br />2020, by the following vote: <br />Members of the Council: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Aguilar, Ballew, Cox, Hernandez, Lee, Lopez (6) <br />NOES: None (0) <br />ABSENT: Mayor Cutter (1) <br />ATTEST: <br />et .i. I. Miguel, C' y Clerk <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2020-019 5 <br />