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San Leandro will establish a clearer identity as an office market in the <br />future. This will not only enable the city to attract higher -quality jobs, it <br />will also allow local firms to remain and expand in San Leandro. <br />Although there are several potential locations in the city where a <br />regionally recognized office district might be established, the Downtown <br />BART Station area offers the best prospect. <br />In addition to the Tech Campus, several other sites along Alvarado Street <br />west of the BART station hold the potential for office development. The <br />proximity to BART creates the potential for easy commuting via transit, <br />and could result in far fewer vehicle trips per employee than suburban <br />office park development. The area is also a short walk from Downtown <br />San Leandro, providing potential customers for Downtown businesses <br />and restaurants. <br />With relatively affordable rents and a large inventory of light industrial <br />buildings, San Leandro will also continue to have a dynamic office -flex <br />market. The LINKS shuttle service between the industrial areas and the <br />Downtown BART Station provides easy access throughout West San <br />Leandro. Another potential office areais the Bay Fair area, which offers <br />easy access to BART and to nearby retail development. <br />Elsewhere in the city, smaller and more locally -oriented offices will <br />continue to be incorporated in mixed use projects along corridor streets <br />such as East 14th and MacArthur. In the area east of Downtown, existing <br />office buildings should be upgraded over time to make them more <br />appealing to prospective tenants. The area's proximity to BART and <br />smaller office configurations makes it appealing for start-ups, smaller <br />companies, and local service providers. <br />Retail, Service, and Entertainment Districts <br />Retail and service uses represent a major part of San Leandro's economy. <br />In 2015, about 6,000 persons worked in the City's retail sector and another <br />3,000 worked in restaurants and hospitality- related sectors. Most of San <br />Leandro's retail/service businesses are located in regional, community, <br />and neighborhood shopping areas, and along commercial corridors such <br />as East 14th Street. General Plan policies seek to establish a stronger <br />identity and market niche for each retail/service area, thereby bolstering <br />their economic performance. Figure 3-5 identifies the major retail/service <br />districts in the City. <br />SAN LEANDRO GENERAL PLAN <br />L A N D U S E <br />3-73 <br />