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NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does ordain as follows: <br />SECTION 1. RECITALS. The above recitals are true and correct and made a part of this <br />ordinance. <br />SECTION 2. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. Pursuant to CEQA and the CEQA <br />Guidelines, the City Council adopted Resolution 2020 -XXX, incorporated herein by reference, <br />adopting an Addendum to the San Leandro Shoreline Development Project EIR (SCH # <br />2013072011). The environmental effects associated with the Zoning Map Amendment were <br />analyzed in accordance with the requirements of CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines. The Zoning <br />Map Amendment implements the Project and was analyzed in the Addendum as part of the <br />Project. No subsequent environmental impact report or additional environmental analysis is <br />required in connection with the approval of the Zoning Map Amendment or this Ordinance, in <br />that the City Council finds and determines that none of the conditions set forth in Public <br />Resources Code Section 21166, State CEQA Guidelines Section 15162(a) have occurred. <br />SECTION 3. FINDINGS. The City Council makes the following findings in support of <br />adopting this ordinance: <br />1. That the proposed Zoning Map Amendments for the Shoreline Area will ensure <br />consistency with the 2035 General Plan, as amended, and are desirable to achieve the <br />purposes of the Zoning Code as outlined in Zoning Code Section 1-104, which include <br />but are not limited to: <br />a. Guiding development in accord with the policies of the General Plan to <br />preserve the character and quality of residential neighborhoods and <br />commercial and industrial areas; foster convenient, harmonious, and <br />workable relationships among land uses; and achieve the land <br />development described in the General Plan. <br />b. Conserving key visual features of San Leandro's bay front setting; and <br />c. Providing for the elimination, over time, of land uses and structures that <br />are inconsistent with the policies of the General Plan and adversely affect <br />other property or uses. <br />2. That the Planned Development Concept Plan submitted in support of the proposed Zoning <br />Map Amendment to modify a Planned Development Overlay Zone is consistent with the <br />General Plan, as amended, and compatible with surrounding development. The Planned <br />Development Concept Plan is consistent with General Plan policies for the San Leandro <br />Shoreline that call for development that will: <br />a. Reinforce the Shoreline as a regional destination (General Plan Goal LU - <br />9); <br />b. Provide for complementary activities that boost its appeal as a destination <br />(General Plan Policy LU -9.1); <br />c. Provide for complementary uses that benefit San Leandro residents and <br />current shoreline users, such as improved park space, restaurants, <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2020-001 5 <br />