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Reso 2020-025
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2020-025
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3/18/2020 3:05:16 PM
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3/18/2020 2:58:43 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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8. That PROJECT or portions thereof, must be included in a federally approved Federal Statewide <br />Transportation Improvement Program (FSTIP) prior to ADMINISTERING AGENCY submitting the <br />"Request for Authorization". <br />9. ADMINISTERING AGENCY shall conform to all state statutes, regulations and procedures <br />(including those set forth in the Local Assistance Procedures Manual and the Local Assistance <br />Program Guidelines, hereafter collectively referred to as "LOCAL ASSISTANCE PROCEDURES") <br />relating to the federal -aid program, all Title 23 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) and 2 CFR part <br />200 federal requirements, and all applicable federal laws, regulations, and policy and procedural <br />or instructional memoranda, unless otherwise specifically waived as designated in the executed <br />project -specific PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT. <br />10. If PROJECT is not on STATE -owned right of way, PROJECT shall be constructed in <br />accordance with LOCAL ASSISTANCE PROCEDURES that describes minimum statewide design <br />standards for local agency streets and roads. LOCAL ASSISTANCE PROCEDURES for projects <br />off the National Highway System (NHS) allow STATE to accept either the STATE's minimum <br />statewide design standards or the approved geometric design standards of ADMINISTERING <br />AGENCY. Additionally, for projects off the NHS, STATE will accept ADMINISTERING AGENCY - <br />approved standard specifications, standard plans, materials sampling and testing quality <br />assurance programs that meet the conditions described in the then current LOCAL ASSISTANCE <br />PROCEDURES. <br />11. If PROJECT involves work within or partially within STATE -owned right-of-way, that <br />PROJECT shall also be subject to compliance with the policies, procedures and standards of the <br />STATE Project Development Procedures Manual and Highway Design Manual and, where <br />appropriate, an executed Cooperative Agreement between STATE and ADMINISTERING <br />AGENCY that outlines the PROJECT responsibilities and respective obligations of the PARTIES. <br />ADMINISTERING AGENCY and its contractors shall each obtain an encroachment permit through <br />STATE prior to commencing any work within STATE rights of way or work which affects STATE <br />facilities. <br />12. When PROJECT is not on the State Highway System but includes work to be performed by a <br />railroad, the contract for such work shall be prepared by ADMINISTERING AGENCY or by <br />STATE, as the PARTIES may hereafter agree. In either event, ADMINISTERING AGENCY shall <br />enter into an agreement with the railroad providing for future maintenance of protective devices or <br />other facilities installed under the contract. <br />13. If PROJECT is using STATE funds, the Department of General Services, Division of the State <br />Architect, or its designee, shall review the contract PS&E for the construction of buildings, <br />structures, sidewalks, curbs and related facilities for accessibility and usability. ADMINISTERING <br />AGENCY shall not award a PROJECT construction contract for these types of improvements until <br />the State Architect has issued written approval stating that the PROJECT plans and specifications <br />comply with the provisions of sections 4450 and 4454 of the California Government Code, if <br />applicable. Further requirements and guidance are provided in Title 24 of the California Code of <br />Regulations. <br />14. ADMINISTERING AGENCY will advertise, award and administer PROJECT in accordance <br />with the current LOCAL ASSISTANCE PROCEDURES unless otherwise stated in the executed <br />project -specific PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT. <br />Page 3 of 26 <br />
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