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Management's Discussion and Analysis <br />for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2019 <br />The Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) provides an overview of the City of San Leandro's <br />financial activities and fiscal performance for the year ended June 30, 2019. Read this discussion and <br />analysis in conjunction with the accompanying Transmittal Letter and Basic Financial Statements to <br />obtain a complete picture of the City financial condition. <br />FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS <br />City's Assets and Deferred Outflow of Resources exceeded its Liabilities and Deferred Inflow of <br />Resources by $186.0 million (Net Position), a $4.2 million decrease from the prior year. Of total net <br />position, $191.2 million was invested in capital assets, $63.1 million was restricted for other purposes, <br />and ($68.3) million was unrestricted. While Net Investment in Capital Assets and Unrestricted Net <br />Position saw a decrease of $24.9 million and $1.3 million respectively, Restricted Net Position <br />increased by $22.0 million. <br />Assets and Deferred Outflow of Resources increased by $13.2 million from the prior fiscal year, fully <br />offset by an increase in Liabilities and Deferred Inflow of Resources of $17.4 million. The increase <br />in Liabilities is in part due to the issue of the 2018 Lease Revenue Bonds for the principal amount of <br />$18.9 million to finance the acquisition and construction of capital improvement projects consisting <br />of Police Headquarters and South Office Building, the Mulford -Marina Branch Library, Manor Park <br />Competition Pool, and Casa Peralta. <br />The City's total net position decrease of $4.2 million is comprised of a $10.1 million decrease in <br />governmental activities and a $5.9 million increase in Business -Type activities. <br />In accordance with GASB Statement No. 54, governments are obligated to enhance the financial <br />reporting of the fund balance categories. Fund balances reported in Note 9 detail the classifications <br />of the City's new fund balance categories. The City's governmental fund balance, which includes the <br />general, special revenue, debt service, and capital projects funds, increased by $28.8 million for an <br />ending fund balance of $123.1 million. Ending fund balance classifications include: <br />a) Nonspendable: $10.9 million with these funds are not available or spendable due to advances <br />and loans to other funds. <br />b) Restricted: $63.8 million based on constraints on the use of resources or imposed by law <br />through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. These include capital projects and <br />debt service payments. <br />c) Assigned: $6.3 million including General fund encumbrances from prior fiscal year and a <br />reserve to fund anticipated Other Post -Employment Benefits (OPEB) costs arising from the <br />City's contract for Fire Services with Alameda County Fire Department. <br />d) Unassigned: $42.1 million and is available for expenditure. Unassigned is further categorized <br />by Compensated Absences, Major Emergencies, Economic Uncertainties and offsets from <br />other fund deficits. <br />