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File Number: 20-166 <br />critical infrastructure such as the WPCP facility. The SGIP provides rebates for qualifying <br />distributed energy systems installed on the customer's side of the utility meter. Qualifying <br />technologies include wind turbines, waste heat-to-power technologies, pressure reduction <br />turbines, internal combustion engines, microturbines, gas turbines, fuel cells, and advanced <br />energy storage systems. The SGIP is administered on behalf of the CPUC through energy <br />providers, which in this case is PG&E. The funding is first-come, first-serve. <br />Analysis <br />The potential project components described above have an estimated turnkey cost of <br />$9,060,652. Funding sources identified to date include: <br />·Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) - $1.2 million paid out by the CPUC on a <br />performance- based incentive (PBI) over the first 5 years. <br />·Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) Low-Interest Loan - $6.6 million. <br />·WPCP Enterprise Fund Capital - $1.2 million (to be paid back by the SGIP PBI). <br />The application period for the SGIP opened May 1, 2020. Per the SGIP guidelines, the City must <br />submit an application fee within seven (7) days of submission. The application fee is refunded <br />upon project completion. However, if the City were to elect to not proceed once the CPUC <br />awards the grant, then the City forfeits the application fee. <br />Staff is also reviewing low-interest, subsidized funding through the BAAQMD’s newly developed <br />Climate Tech Funding program. Staff would come back to the City Council with details on the loan <br />amount/interest rate for consideration, in addition to consideration of the project itself, including a <br />new Measurement & Verification contract and project payback timeframes. Currently, that <br />timeframe for project consideration/funding could be in late Summer of this year. <br />Fiscal Impacts/Budget Authority <br />The SGIP application fee will cost $120,000 to be funded by transferring funds from WPCP Fund <br />Balance reserves to account 593-51-002-5890. Should the City complete the project, this amount <br />is fully refundable. <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />None. <br />PREPARED BY: Debbie Pollart, Director, Public Works Department <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/29/2020 <br />21