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Reso 2020-055 US HUD FY 2015-2020 5-Year Plan, 19-20 Action pLan and CPP
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2020-055 US HUD FY 2015-2020 5-Year Plan, 19-20 Action pLan and CPP
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6/22/2020 12:09:08 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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annual action plans. The goal of the Citizen Participation Plan is to encourage broader public <br />involvement in the planning and allocation of CDBG and HOME funds and implementation of related <br />programs. A minimum of two (2) public hearings are required with at least one (1) hearing to be held <br />before the Proposed Five -Year Strategic Plan and Proposed Annual Action Plan are published for public <br />comment. <br />The City conducted two (2) community meetings in geographically dispersed locations to enable more <br />citizens to attend the meetings. They were held on January 20th and 28th of 2015 and were advertised <br />through many outlets including the City website, City facilities like the City Hall, public libraries, and <br />community center, and a local ad and consecutive weekly press releases in the City's local newspaper <br />San Leandro Times. In addition, public service providers and other organizations on the CDBG mailing <br />list, the City's homeowners associations, and other interested parties and individuals were notified of <br />the community meetings via both email notices and mailings. The community meetings were held to <br />elicit public comments on what the City's housing and community development priority needs and <br />objectives should be for the next five (5) years. Priority Needs surveys were distributed at these two (2) <br />public meetings. A web link to a version of the Priority Needs survey was also <br />emailed to the City's CDBG distribution list, which includes the African American, Asian, and Latino <br />Business Councils, community-based organizations (CBOs), Below Market Rate (BMR) property <br />managers, and San Leandro and San Lorenzo School Districts, and posted on the City's website to allow <br />those who could not attend the public meetings the opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns <br />regarding the housing and community development needs of the City. In all, City staff received a total of <br />thirty-six (36) survey responses (7 paper survey responses and 29 responses). <br />Notice of the availability of the Draft Consolidated Plan for a 30 -day public comment period was <br />published in the The Daily Review newspaper on February 26, 2015. The City Council held a public <br />hearing on March 16, 2015 to receive initial public input on the draft Consolidated Plan and draft Annual <br />Action Plan and to begin the 30 -day comment period from March 20th through April 20th, 2015. Both <br />drafts shall be available for review at City Hall (at the City Clerk's office and City's Community <br />Development Departmen), at the Main Library, and on the City's website at <br /> during the 30 -day period. The public notice for <br />the April 20th public hearing was published in a locally circulated newspaper Daily Review on April 2, <br />2015. The Council held a public hearing on the final versions of both Plans on April 20th, 2015 City <br />Council Meeting. <br />5. Summary of public comments <br />The public comment period commenced on March 20th and ended on April 20th, 2015. At the March <br />20th City Council meeting, Mr. Robert Fox, a San Leandro resident, inquired and requested that CDBG <br />funds be used to create community gardens throughout the City. <br />There were no public comments received during the public comment period nor at the June 1, 2020 <br />public hearing where amendments to this documents were considered by City Council. <br />Consolidated Plan SAN LEANDRO 5 <br />OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018) <br />
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